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Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics 3 vols
Stein,de Borst,Hughes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over the past four decades computational methods in applied mechanics have developed into valuable tools that are widely used across both industry and academia. The applications are numerous: aerospace structures... czytaj dalej

Cultivating Diversity in Fundraising
Pettey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An important roadmap for fundraising in today#146;s multicultural communities Raising money in today#146;s diverse communities is a growing challenge for fundraisers and philanthropists, requiring thoughtful... czytaj dalej

Industrial Organic Chemicals
Wittcoff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Broadly describes the essential topics of the organic chemicals industry In the past two decades, the organic chemicals industry has undergone unprecedented restructuring, complicated feedstock problems, and... czytaj dalej

First Course in Dynamics
Hasselblatt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The theory of dynamical systems is a major mathematical discipline closely intertwined with all main areas of mathematics. It has greatly stimulated research in many sciences and given rise to the vast new... czytaj dalej

NMS Pharmacology
Jacob Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise review provides information on mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and adverse effects of major drug grups. There is also updated information on new drug approvals, new indications... czytaj dalej

RYA Book of Diesel Engines
Barlett Wydawnictwo: inne

Based on the RYA's Diesel Engine Course, this text explains how a diesel engine works and how to look after it. This second edition is revised to take into account developments in engine technology since the... czytaj dalej

Words Fail Me
T. Monachino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This lively and informative new title was originally inspired by the author's Italian mother and her struggles with the vagaries of the English language. Over the years the author has tried to correct her attempts... czytaj dalej

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Nose
N. Elsahy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Introducing a comprehensive, yet extremely practical guide to all procedures involving aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose. Offers accurate descriptions of the techniques used successfully in... czytaj dalej

Statistics at Square One 3ed
T. Swinscow,M. Campbell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This edition has been revised throughout, especially in the areas of binary data to deal with relative risk, absolute risk and the evidence-based criteria of numbers need to treat. Each chapter now has a section... czytaj dalej

Sports Mechanics for Coaches
G. Carr Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gerry Carr explains the mechanical concepts underlying performance techniques and shows readers how to observe, analyse and correct sport techinque for better performance. The book includes topics such as how... czytaj dalej