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Licensed Practical Nurse Exam Review
Gossman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the NCLEX-PN exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Board Review
Emblad Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the pediatrics board exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format... czytaj dalej

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2002
L.M. Tierney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive reference ready to answer common questions in everyday clinical practice. Includes information on over 1000 diseases and disorders with and emphasis on prevention and cost-effective treatments... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Radiologic Science
R.A. Fosbinder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A basic textbook for radiography students, examining the fundamentals of radiologic technology programs. The book covers three of the five categories tested on the radiography Registry exam (radiologic physics... czytaj dalej

GYN Oncology Handbook
Santoso Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handy pocket resource concisely outlines need-to-know information on types of gynecologic cancers, complications management, surgical procedures, peri-operative care, chemotherapy, radiation oncology,... czytaj dalej

Pharmacokinetics Principles & Applications
M. Boroujerdi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Complete textbook dealing with how the body acts on drugs, including drug absorption, distribution, biotransformation/metabolism, and elimination Explains how drugs produce effects and how the effects may vary... czytaj dalej

Chemistry Demystified
L. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is uniquely useful in that it contains ChemBites, tips, scientific news, and "cutting edge" industry applications, which update readers on outdated or unavailable information in textbooks... czytaj dalej

Oracle9iAS Administration Handbook
Burleson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the exclusive publisher of Oracle Press books, here is an architectural and technical reference on how to use Oracle Application Server 10g to Web-enable Oracle databases for application server systems... czytaj dalej

Property of Blood
M. Nabb Wydawnictwo: inne

Olivia, an American-born model, married Count Ugo Brunamonti, a feckless, soon impoverished aristocrat. After his death, she supported her children by starting a fashion house which has prospered. When she... czytaj dalej