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Negotiating Trade
J. Odell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Negotiations between governments shape the world political economy and in turn the lives of people everywhere. Developing countries have become far more influential in talks in the World Trade Organization... czytaj dalej

Designing Inclusion
Edmund Phelps Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An inclusion failure has become highly visible in the advanced economies of the West. Too many able-bodied people are subject to chronic joblessness and, when employed, cannot earn a living remotely like that... czytaj dalej

Stroke Treatment & Prevention
Hankey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This invaluable reference will provide clinicians caring for stroke patients with ready access to the optimal evidence for best practice in acute stroke treatment and secondary prevention. The author, who is... czytaj dalej

Developmental Origins of Health & Disease
P. Gluckman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This landmark publication provides the first definitive account of how and why subtle influences on the fetus and during early life can have such profound consequences for adult health and diseases. Although... czytaj dalej

Systems Biology
B. Palsson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Genome sequences are now available that enable us to determine the biological components that make up a cell or an organism. The new discipline of systems biology examines how these components interact and... czytaj dalej

Developmental Psychology
J. Cavanaugh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The text that you've known for accuracy, quality, and scholarship has been reborn into a new student-focused edition, featuring new pedagogy, a dynamic new design, and new student-oriented features.The Fifth... czytaj dalej

Statistics Tool for Social Research 7ed
Healey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive, student-oriented text that provides students a challenging first look at social statistics by illustrating the application of statistics to contemporary social issues. Students learn to read... czytaj dalej

El Bosque Tropical
Helen Cowcher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From the tapirs roaming its cool floor to the Blue Morpho butterflies fluttering in its canopy, the rain forest is a peaceful place until man's machines endanger its existence and threaten its lush beauty.... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Business Communication
Scot Ober Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text has continued to make its mark through its hands-on how-to approach to learning the essential business communication topics. It continues its emphasis on technology and work-team communication with... czytaj dalej

Groups Theory & Experience
Napier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition of Groups reflects the author's unique combination of academic expertise and group consultant experience by including the latest research on group dynamics and the most current views on ways... czytaj dalej