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Control of Human Parasitic Diseases
Molyneux Wydawnictwo: inne

Control of parasitic infections of humans has progressed rapidly over the last three decades. Such advances have resulted from focal disease control efforts based on historically effective interventions to... czytaj dalej

Richness of Life The Essential Stephen Jay Gould
O. Sacks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Collects forty-four key segments from the late paleontologist and evolutionary biologist's books, papers, and essays, in a collection that includes an assortment of previously unpublished articles and speeches. ... czytaj dalej

Teaching Adolescents
H. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Grounded in the semiotic thought of Charles Sanders Peirce, America's greatest polymath, Howard A. Smith's "Teaching Adolescents" addresses topics in educational psychology from a semiotic or sign-based... czytaj dalej

Bridging Islands
R. Kneller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The innovative strength of the world's two largest economies, the United States and Japan, are based on two very different forms of industrial and social organization. For the United States, venture companies... czytaj dalej

Excusing Crime
J. Horder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When should someone who may have intentionally or knowingly committed criminal wrongdoing be excused? Excusing Crime examines what excusing conditions are, and why familiar excuses, such as duress, are thought... czytaj dalej

Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomater
T. Veziroglu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The chemistry of carbon nanomaterials and hydrogen materials science will play an important role in hastening the conversion to the Hydrogen Energy System. In this connection, the research and application of... czytaj dalej

Complexity Management in Fuzzy Systems
A. Gegov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents a systematic study on the inherent complexity in fuzzy systems, resulting from the large number and the poor transparency of the fuzzy rules. The study uses a novel approach for complexity... czytaj dalej

Neuregulin-I/ErbB Signaling System in Development & Disease
S. Britsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This monograph reviews the biology of Neuregulins and their receptors and summarizes recent research, which has established crucial functions of this signaling system during development and disease. ... czytaj dalej

Public Goods Environmental Externalities
P. Chander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The twenty-two papers collected in this volume illustrate the itinerary of Henry Tulkens, an applied theorist, on the occasion of his retirement from teaching. The collection is structured in four parts: decentralized... czytaj dalej

Playing the Universe
Mead David, Frelik Paweł Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej

The ludic impulse is everywhere in western culture. Games and play provide metaphors for our lives. Stories of games, sports, and play are found everywhere in our imaginative literature as well - from folk... czytaj dalej