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Zamki państwa krzyżackiego w dawnych Prusach
Jackiewicz-Garniec Małgorzata, Garniec Mirosław Wydawnictwo: inne

Zamki państwa krzyżackiego" to kolejna książka z serii zapoczątkowanej przez "Pałace i dwory dawnych Prus Wschodnich", które spotkały się nie tylko z doskonałym przyjęciem recenzentów i miłośników... czytaj dalej

People of the moon
Gear Michael Wydawnictwo: inne

The authors Gear began their First North Americans series of preistoric historical novels in 1990 with People of the Wolf. This thirteenth installment is one of the best novels in the whole series. The Gears... czytaj dalej

Cukrzyca i choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego
Marso Steven P. Wydawnictwo: Via Medica

Leczenie cukrzycy wiąże się z dużym obciążeniem finansowym dla służby zdrowia. Dlatego istnieje pilna potrzeba opracowania skutecznych metod zapobiegania gwałtownie narastającej liczbie zachorowań na całym... czytaj dalej

Patterson Richard North Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

A San Francisco lawyer takes on his biggest case yet - the televised trial of a woman he has loved 'Exile is an astonishing book, a hugely entertaining human drama that also offers remarkable insight into the... czytaj dalej

English Literature & Ancient Languages
K. Haynes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a study of the presence of Greek and Latin in British literature since the Renaissance. While the influence of Greek and Roman literature on British literature has been extensively surveyed, the role... czytaj dalej

Staggering Revolution
Raeburn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the 1930s, the world of photography was unsettled, exciting, and boisterous. John Raeburn's A Staggering Revolution recreates the energy of the era by surveying photography's rich variety of innovation... czytaj dalej

Treating Gambling Problems
McCown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Full of practical information on assessing, diagnosing, and treating alcohol gambling addiction, this handy manual in the new Wiley Series on Treating Addictions is an invaluable tool for anyone who works with... czytaj dalej

Kremlin & the High Command
D. Glantz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Throughout its existence, the Red Army was viewed as a formidable threat. By the end of the Cold War, however, it had become the weakest link in the Soviet Union's power structure. Always subordinate to the... czytaj dalej

Techniques in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Ch Harner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Featuring more than 950 photographs and drawings#8212;including 500 in full color#8212;this text offers step-by-step instructions on techniques for performing common and complex sports medicine procedures in... czytaj dalej

Physiology of the Heart 4e
A. Katz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dr. Arnold Katz's internationally acclaimed classic is now in its thoroughly revised Fourth Edition, incorporating the latest molecular biology research and extensively exploring the clinical applications of... czytaj dalej