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Transplantation & Changing Management of Organ Failure
P. Coacht Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book, the proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, held in Lyon, France, on May 25-26, 2000, addresses novel issues in terms of changing indications... czytaj dalej

Minding the Spirit
E. Dreyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The birth of an academic discipline is a rare event. Even more extraordinary is academia's acknowledgment that spirituality has scholarly as well as personal dimensions. Inquiry and dialogue are the essence... czytaj dalej

Fifty Jewish Women Who Changed The World
D. Rosen Wydawnictwo: inne

Molly Picon, beloved star of the Yiddish Theater, Broadway, and Hollywood, blazed a trail for women in the entertainment industry.- Gertrude Stein not only declared "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose... czytaj dalej

Mutual Invadability Implies Coexistence in Spatial Models
Durrertt Wydawnictwo: inne

In 1994 Durrett and Levin proposed that the equilibrium behaviour of stochastic spatial models could be determined from properties of the solution of the mean field ordinary differential equation (ODE) that... czytaj dalej

Terapy of Moderate to Severe Psoriasis
G. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Features new and updated chapters discussing the latest and most commonly prescribed therapies for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Noteworthy topics include the management of pediatric patients... czytaj dalej

Improving Schools in Exceptionally Challenging Circumstances
A. Harris Wydawnictwo: inne

Working in the challenging context of inner city areas on accelerated school improvement does not allow time for reflection. Learning occurs experientially but it is not easily consolidated or refined. School... czytaj dalej

Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulties
Cartwright Wydawnictwo: inne

This invaluable guide provides teachers and trainees with practical tips for teaching children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Well-written and informative, the authors' specialist knowledge... czytaj dalej

Expository Discourse a Genre-based Approach to Social Scienc
Lewin Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume provides a detailed and explicit account of the genre of social science research articles. While previous literature has analyzed some aspects of the research genre separately, this book presents... czytaj dalej

Shakespeare in Education
Blocksidge Wydawnictwo: inne

This collection of essays - written by experienced practitioners - seeks to define, or at least report on, the current position of Shakespeare in schools, colleges and other educational environments. Its primary... czytaj dalej

Getting the Buggers to Add Up
Mike Ollerton Wydawnictwo: inne

The new edition of this extremely practical guide equips teachers with a huge number of strategies for improving pupils' mathematics and problem-solving skills in the classroom. Mike Ollerton shows how active... czytaj dalej