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Las estadísticas son asombrosas. Trece millones de americanos han sigo diagnosticados con diabetes tipo 2, y otros 5.2 millones ni si-quiera saben que la tienen. Durante los últimos treinta ańos, los casos... czytaj dalej
Siestás cansado de intentar dietas bajas en carbohidratos, y otras dietas de moda, Jorge Cruise te ayudará a adelgazar de una vez por todas -- y para siempre. En este libro, Jorge explica cómo la clave está... czytaj dalej
From the man whom BusinessWeek has called a "founding father" and the "hands-on implementer" of the Quality Movement comes a breakthrough approach to management and leadership Just as Armand... czytaj dalej
ż Focused, clinically-relevant information on the care of the elderly for busy practitionersż Comprehensive and concise information on geriatric considerations in diagnosis and treatmentż Essentials of diagnosis... czytaj dalej
1. A concise manual of techniques used in the increasingly important practice of nerve blocking. Readers get the step-by-step procedure without having to wade through academic or research text
2. Author...
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The most highly regarded textbook/reference in pharmacology
The most comprehensive resource, covering all drug classes and all organ systems, with coverage of clinical disease entities as well
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Key information on more than 140 common diseases and disorders in 82 chapters
Bulleted format with tables, charts, and algorithms
Printed tabs provide quick access to each section
Organization ...
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The ultimate resource for USMLE Step 1 preparation!Published annually, this is the only student-to-student review book that provides facts and strategies from medical students who had previously taken the exam... czytaj dalej
Przewodnik ten zawiera wyjaśnienia elementarnych pojęć oraz wszystkich głównych działów biotechnologii. Książka porusza takie tematy, jak: podstawy biologii molekularnej i komórkowej, kod DNA, klonowanie rozrodcze... czytaj dalej
An ideal reference/workbook for beginning to intermediate Italian language learners Builds on the success of the Practice Makes Perfect series, and follows the same format as the extremely popular Practice... czytaj dalej