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Hybrid Intelligent Systems
O. Castillo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The objective of this edited volume is to offer a general view at the recent conceptual developments of Soft Computing (SC) regarded as a general methodology supporting the design of hybrid systems along with... czytaj dalej

Liquid Chromatography of Natural Pigments & Synthetic Dyes
Cserhati Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This latest volume in the series entitled "Liquid Chromatography of Natural Pigments and Synthetic Dyes" presents an overview of the latest developments in the field while critically evaluating this... czytaj dalej

Natural Resources Taxation & Regulation
Moss Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The field of natural resource economics is a broad one, and the fourteen essays included in this volume scope out major landmarks that exist in this vast territory. The essays' subjects include an examination... czytaj dalej

Archaeology of Identities
T. Insoll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Archaeology of Identities: A Reader" brings together seventeen seminal articles from this exciting new discipline in one indispensable volume for the first time. Editor Timothy Insoll expertly... czytaj dalej

Green & the Brown
Uekoetter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study provides the first comprehensive discussion of conservation in Nazi Germany. Looking at Germany in an international context, it analyses the roots of conservation in the late nineteenth century,... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Tragedies
Dillon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Macbeth clutches an imaginary dagger; Hamlet holds up Yorick's skull; Lear enters with Cordelia in his arms. Do these memorable and iconic moments have anything to tell us about the definition of Shakespearean... czytaj dalej

College Physics
Knight,Jones Wydawnictwo: inne

Building on the results of an extensive NSF-funded educational research program and detailed input from an unprecedented 4,500 students and 250 instructors, Randy Knight and Addison-Wesley published Physics... czytaj dalej

Semiotics The Basics 2e
Chandler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building on the success of its popular predecessor, this welcome second edition provides a clear and concise introduction to the key concepts of semiotics in accessible and jargon-free language. With a reworked... czytaj dalej

Practical Railway Engineering
C. Bonnett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook covers the very wide spectrum of all aspects of railway engineering for all engineering disciplines, in a 'broad brush' way giving a good overall knowledge of what is involved in planning, designing... czytaj dalej

Miniatury matematyczne tomik 5 szkoły podstawowe i gimnazja
Jarek Paweł, Kourliandtchik Lev, Uscki Mirosław Wydawnictwo: inne

Organizowany od 1991 roku Międzynarodowy Konkurs ?Kangur Matematyczny" zyskuje z roku na rok coraz większą popularność. Pragniemy podtrzymać tę dobrą atmosferę, dostarczając młodym uczniom zainteresowanym... czytaj dalej