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Finding the Story Behind the Numbers
J. Cox Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'A wonderful tool! No educational jargon to weed through. The author meshes the real world with the ideal world and provides a concrete guide for principals to work with their faculty' - Marie Blum, Superintendent... czytaj dalej

Darkness That Comes Before
R. Bakker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A score of centuries has passed since the First Apocalypse and the thoughts of men have turned, inevitably, to more worldly concerns...A veteran sorcerer and spy seeks news of an ancient enemy. A military genius... czytaj dalej

Realizing Community Futures
J. Vanclay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What is the power of a collectively imagined future? Women in rural Zimbabwe imagine a future of prosperity and education for their children and then they take collective action to care for the wild grasses... czytaj dalej

Fuzzy Set Theory
M. Smithson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fuzzy set theory deals with sets or categories whose boundaries are blurry or, in other words, `fuzzy.' This book presents an accessible introduction to fuzzy set theory, focusing on its applicability to the... czytaj dalej

Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction
S. Wasti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Earthquakes affecting urban areas can lead to catastrophic situations and hazard mitigation requires preparatory measures at all levels. Structural assessment is the diagnosis of the seismic health of buildings... czytaj dalej

Developing Effective Research Proposals
K. Punch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Successful research requires effective and thorough preparation. In this expanded and updated Second Edition of Developing Effective Research Proposals Keith Punch offers an indispensable guide to the issues... czytaj dalej

Globalization The Key Concepts
A. Mooney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Viewed as a destructive force or an inevitability of modern society, globalization is the focus of a multitude of disciplines. A clear understanding of its processes and terminology is imperative for anyone... czytaj dalej

Liquid Chromatography of Natural Pigments & Synthetic Dyes
Cserhati Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This latest volume in the series entitled "Liquid Chromatography of Natural Pigments and Synthetic Dyes" presents an overview of the latest developments in the field while critically evaluating this... czytaj dalej

American Paradox 2e
Gillon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text/reader for courses in recent American history emphasises political participation and popular culture. The book takes as its main theme the paradoxical relationship of Americans to their government... czytaj dalej

Natural Resources Taxation & Regulation
Moss Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The field of natural resource economics is a broad one, and the fourteen essays included in this volume scope out major landmarks that exist in this vast territory. The essays' subjects include an examination... czytaj dalej