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Politics of Touch
E. Manning Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Through an engagement with the state-centered vocabulary of political philosophy, Manning (fine arts, Concordia U.) examines how sensing bodies run up against existing political structures and how new politics... czytaj dalej

Ajax dla twórców aplikacji internetowych
Kris Hadlock Wydawnictwo: Helion

Zaprojektuj i stwórz nowatorskie aplikacje WWW Poznaj technologię Ajax Wykorzystaj wzorce projektowe Zoptymalizuj komunikację z bazą danych Chcesz, aby tworzone przez Ciebie aplikacje WWW stały się wygodniejsze... czytaj dalej

Modern Experimental Design
T. Ryan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume covers the first full year of experimental design topics at the beginning graduate level with a well balanced, down-to-earth, and complete presentation, covering both design and analysis equally... czytaj dalej

Theories of the Information Society
F. Webster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this new and thoroughly revised edition, the author brings his work right up to date both with new theoretical work and with social and technological changes - such as the rapid growth of the internet and... czytaj dalej

Keywords in Qualitative Methods
M. Bloor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Student's A-Z of Qualitative Methods" is an accessible and practical guide to qualitative techniques for students and researchers across the social and health sciences. An essential companion... czytaj dalej

New Policing
E. McLaughlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The New Policing" provides a comprehensive introduction to the critical issues confronting policing today. It incorporates an overview of traditional approaches to the study of the police with a... czytaj dalej

Scientific Pluralism
S. Kellert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Some phenomena require multiple accounts. This simple statement is at the forefront of debate amongst philosophers of science, and while it reflects the complexity of the world and the limitations of representation... czytaj dalej

Understanding Human Rights
E. Reichert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Human rights in the social work environment are either theoretical or general concepts that require application to the specifics of practical settings. "Understanding Human Rights" is written with... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Political Analysis
Pollock Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Providing a strong conceptual foundation, "The Essentials of Political Analysis" walks students through the basics of measuring concepts, formulating and testing hypotheses, and describing variables... czytaj dalej

Animals & Society 5 Vols
Inglis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Animals are crucial to the functioning of any society: they provide humans with food, labour, raw materials, modes of transport, companionship, scientific knowledge through observation and experimentation,... czytaj dalej