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From the first application of the oxide magnetite as a compass in China in ancient times, and from the early middle ages in Europe, magnetic materials have become an indispensable part of our daily life. Magnetic... czytaj dalej
Opracowanie monograficzne języka poezji Czesława Miłosza zapełnia dotkliwą lukę w wiedzy o pisarstwie jednego z najwybitniejszych polskich poetów, laureata Nagrody Nobla. Książka przedkładana czytelnikowi jest... czytaj dalej
The current science of pharmacology-and its clinical applications-at your fingertipsNow in its 25th year of publication, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology is the most up-to-date and complete pharmacology textbook... czytaj dalej
The second edition of this innovative work again provides a unique perspective on the clinical discovery process by providing input from experts within the NIH on the principles and practice of clinical research... czytaj dalej
This book equips students and practising managers with strategic insights into the process of managing odds and for dealing with emerging fluid situations which can affect any organization. The authors emphasize... czytaj dalej
This collection of essays examines the racialized and gendered effects of contemporary politics of belonging, issues which lie at the heart of contemporary political and social lives. It encompasses critical... czytaj dalej
Now better than ever, with a new section on study skills and an emphasis on editing and revising, The Brief English Handbook provides straightforward advice, an accessible writing style, and clear organization... czytaj dalej
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) is best known as a biologist and natural historian rather than a philosopher. However, in this invaluable book, Tim Lewens shows in a clear and accessible manner how important Darwin... czytaj dalej
These days "rock music" courses are ubiquitous at most universities and colleges, but until recently instructors seeking an anthology of readings on the History of Rock have looked in vain. The Rock... czytaj dalej
Written and edited by recognized experts, this comprehensive reference is also available online via Wiley InterScience. It provides a readily accessible reference for students, professionals and libraries alike... czytaj dalej