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Cancer Principles & Practice of Oncology + CD ROM
Vincent DeVita Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recommended in the Brandon/Hill selected list of print books and journals for the small medical library - April 2001 2003Acclaimed by the worldwide medical community as 'the ultimate authority on cancer' (JAMA)... czytaj dalej

ICU Recall
Tribble Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by experts in the field, students, and residents, the updated Second Edition of ICU Recall with it's concise question and answer format helps helps you learn and remember fast. You get coverage of basic... czytaj dalej

BRS Embryology
Dudek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

BRS Embryology embodies the popular BRS format of succinct outline review of content followed by USMLE-style questions with explanations. The overall content and questions have been updated to reflect the evolving... czytaj dalej

Color Atlas of Histology 4e
Gartner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This compact atlas provides medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with an outstanding collection of histology images for all of the major tissue classes and body systems. The Fourth Edition features... czytaj dalej

World Religions & Democracy
Diamond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Can religion be compatible with liberal democracy? World Religions and Democracy brings together insights from renowned scholars and world leaders in a provocative and timely discussion of religions' role in... czytaj dalej

Romantic Moods Paranoia, Trauma, and Melancholy, 1790-1840
T. Pfau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thomas Pfau reinterprets the evolution of British and German Romanticism as a progress through three successive dominant moods each manifested in the "voice" of historical moment. Drawing on a multifaceted... czytaj dalej

Gods Mountain
Eliav Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This provocative study of Jerusalem's Temple Mount unravels popular scholarly paradigms about the origins of this contested sacred site and its significance in Jewish and Christian traditions. In "God's... czytaj dalej

World Must Know
Berenbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The World Must Know" documents the compelling human stories of the Holocaust as told in the renowned permanent exhibition of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Drawing... czytaj dalej

Natural Law Modernized
D. Braybrooke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hobbes, Locke, Hume, and Rousseau are classic modern philosophers, widely consulted in matters of ethics and political theory. In this provocative study David Braybrooke challenges received scholarly opinion... czytaj dalej

Nation & History
Brock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The important scholarly achievements of Polish historians remain largely unknown outside Poland. In Nation and History, editors Peter Brock, John Stanley, and Piotr J. Wrobel have brought together twenty-four... czytaj dalej