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Pleasures of Horror
Hills Wydawnictwo: inne

Pleasures of Horror is a stimulating and insightful exploration of horror fictions -- literary, cinematic and televisual -- and the emotions they engender in their audiences. The text is divided into three... czytaj dalej

Calvin An Introduction to His Thought
Parker Wydawnictwo: inne

John Calvin's (1509-64) influence reaches from the Reformation to Karl Barth and beyond. Outstanding as biblical scholar, preacher and practical Church reformer, Calvin intended all his work to serve the Word... czytaj dalej

How to Get into Marketing & PR
A. Gurton Wydawnictwo: inne

You are attracted to a career in Marketing or in Public Relations, but wonder how to: - understand the range of jobs within the industry - how to stand out from the crowd. From Accountant and Advertising Account... czytaj dalej

Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
Howarth Wydawnictwo: inne

Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties can be some of the most difficult for teachers to manage. Containing advice on such key areas as managing the classroom, involving parents, and developing... czytaj dalej

Managing Behaviour in the Early Years
J. Kay Wydawnictwo: inne

A practical guide to managing children's behaviour in childcare and early years settings. Brimming with tips and suggestions on how practitioners can help young children to learn, Janet Kay demonstrates how... czytaj dalej

Thesaurus of Everyday American English
Anne Bertram Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NTC's Thesaurus of Everyday American English presents the information users need to make decisions about correct word choice and is designed to help the user learn how to select the best word for a particular... czytaj dalej

Antoine Predock
B. Collins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Antoine Predock's trademark bold forms-often incorporating references to the natural elements as well as to myth and ritual-have made him an architect of international renown. This important new book follows... czytaj dalej

Volunteering as Leisure
R. Stebbins Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Volunteerism is a topic of increasing importance in this age of budget cuts and declining employment. There are both social and economic benefits of volunteering. As we are becoming more reliant on volunteers... czytaj dalej

Organic Phosphorus in the Environment
Turner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Phosphorus is essential for life, yet is often the element most limiting for biological productivity. Although most organisms take up phosphorus in an inorganic form, organic forms frequently dominate in soils... czytaj dalej

Creating Environmental Business
Stephen Poltorzycki Wydawnictwo: inne

This book examines the 'two shades of green' that are business and values. While the former constitutes the colour of money as a means of measuring business value; the later concerns those things a company... czytaj dalej