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Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology v.3
Keith Dewbury Wydawnictwo: inne

SPECIALIST COVERAGE FOR OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNAECOLOGISTS FROM THE EXPERTS Drs Meire and Dewbury, Professor Cosgrove, and Pat Farrant join 24 international experts to ensure that you have unprecedented clinical... czytaj dalej

Colour Guide to Sexually Transmited Infections 2e
McMillan Wydawnictwo: inne

The new edition of this pocket-sized colour atlas of sexually transmitted diseases retains the popular Colour Guide format and has been comprehensively revised and updated throughout. Due to the growth in the... czytaj dalej

Medicolegal Reporting in ORtopaedic Trauma
M. Foy Wydawnictwo: inne

The expanding number of personal injury litigation cases has increased the number of medicolegal reports written each year. This unique resource offers the comprehensive, expert guidance practitioners need... czytaj dalej

Recent Advances in Obstetrics & Gynaecology 21
John Bonnar Wydawnictwo: inne

Review of topical subjects (often areas of frequent litigation) in obstetrics and gynaecology, with contributors drawn from all over the world* highly topical subject matter* some articles cover areas where... czytaj dalej

Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine
P. Ness Wydawnictwo: inne

Ever since the discovery of blood types early in the last century, transfusion medicine has evolved at a breakneck pace. This second edition of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine is exactly what you need... czytaj dalej

Surgery In Focus
Parks Wydawnictwo: inne

This series of books is aimed at all health science students requiring an introductory, low cost and highly illustrated guide to the clinical specialties. The material is presented in double page spreads. The... czytaj dalej

Business Orchestration
J. Wallin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Digital convergence is redefining industries, and putting information, knowledge and collaboration at the heart of strategic leadership and management. In the face of such change it is those leaders who can... czytaj dalej

Chemical Weapons Convention Chemicals Analysis
M. Mesilaakso Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Describes the procedures for collection of samples, sample preparation, and analysis of CWC-related chemicals. It deals with analytical procedures that can be followed in well-equipped off-site laboratories... czytaj dalej

Architecting Enterprise Solutions Patterns for High-Capabi
P. Dyson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whilst always welcoming the system delivered with the required functionality, if it has been built with little or no consideration for the non-functional characteristics of the system, the welcome would be... czytaj dalej

Fuel Cell Fundamentals
O Hayre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fuel Cell Fundamentals is an introductory-level textbook covering the basic science and engineering behind fuel cell technology. Focusing on the fundamentals, it provides straightforward descriptions of how... czytaj dalej