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Engineering Mechanics Statics
J. Meriam,L. Kraige Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This concise and authoritative book emphasizes basic principles and problem formulation. It illustrates both the cohesiveness of the relatively few fundamental ideas in this area and the great variety of problems... czytaj dalej

Captive Images
Biber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Captive Images examines the law's treatment of photographic evidence and uses it to investigate the relationship between law, image and fantasy. Based around the scholarly examination of a bank robbery, in... czytaj dalej

Basin Analysis & Modeling of the Burial Thermanl & Maturatio
Galushkin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is devoted to the field of basin analysis, and in particular to the one- and two-dimensional modeling of the burial, thermal and maturation histories of sedimentary basins, in the context of evaluating... czytaj dalej

Minimally Invasive Abdominal Surgery
B. Kremer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Magnificently illustrated with clear depictions of key anatomic relationships, this new surgical atlas covers all minimally invasive abdominal procedures as well as combined endoluminal and endocavitary operations... czytaj dalej

Tracheostomy & Ventilator Dependency
D. Tippett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive text provides a sound understanding of respiratory physiology and applies this knowledge to the care of patients with tracheostomy, with or without ventilator dependency. ... czytaj dalej

Radiological Findings in Skin Diseases & Related Conditions
M. Kormano Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A guide to the diseases that have skin manifestations and which also cause pathologic changes that can be detected in radiologic studies. The text contains summaries of clinical features of disorders and syndromes... czytaj dalej

Identifying & Treating Blockages to Healing New Approaches
Strittmatter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With chronic illnesses on the rise, many of which are resistant to therapy, attention is increasingly focused on new ways of understanding disease processes. Regions of minimal chronic stress are often neglected... czytaj dalej

Handbook of ATPases Biochemistry Cell Biology
M. Futai Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the first comprehensive overview of this important class of enzymes, this two-volume handbook summarizes recent knowledge about the molecular mechanism of ATPases, relating this information to the physiology... czytaj dalej

Crash Course Anatomy 2e
Dykes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 2nd Edition of this user-friendly review source presents all of the essential information students need to know about anatomy in a modern, fun, and accessible format. Written by students for students, it... czytaj dalej

Move House
Topham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From backpacks to luxury yachts, tents to trailer homes, the newest book from the author of Blowup, Wheres My Space Age, and Xtreme Houses follows architecture designed to follow mankind. For most of us, house... czytaj dalej