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S. Tanner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Investigative Journalism, edited by Stephen Tanner is a timely addition to journalism education in Australia. This new title aims to provide both a practical and theoretical framework for investigative journalism... czytaj dalej

Global Agenda
Diana Ayton-Shenker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This annual publication provides readers with the most accurate, complete, and up-to-date information on the work of the United Nations. Designed to serve international affairs experts, concerned citizens,... czytaj dalej

Your Rights
M. Addis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the eighth edition of the successful civil liberties guide Your Rights. Now expanded and extended in scope to include all new legislation that has come into force since the last edition was published... czytaj dalej

Usborne Introduction to Archaeology
S. Reid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From hieroglyphics to Stonehenge, this brand new book brings together archaeological information from around the worldUnwrap a virtual mummy and decipher ancient writings on the recommended websitesBeautifully... czytaj dalej

Fantastical Adventures of the Invisible Boy
L. Alexander Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When David falls ill his tough old Aunt Annie offers to tutor him, and he soon grows fond of The Gawgon, as he nicknames her because of her resemblance to the terrifying Gorgon Medusa of Greek myth. Together... czytaj dalej

Ballerina Dreams #05 Dancing with the Stars
A. Bryant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jasmine's been told she's good enough to audition for the world-famous Royal Ballet School - she's on top of the world! But her happiness is shattered when Dad won't allow her to audition. Will Jasmine ever... czytaj dalej

Voltaire Almighty
R. Pearson Wydawnictwo: inne

During much of his life Voltaire's plays and verse made him the toast of society, but his barbed wit and commitment to reason also got him into trouble. With tales of illegitimacy, prison, stardom, exile, love... czytaj dalej

Market Research in Practice
G. Hague Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical guide to the basics of market research takes a clear, concise step-by-step approach. It describes and explains the various tools and techniques available to market researchers. Comparative examples... czytaj dalej

How To Choose A Franchise
I. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The number of UK business franchises has more than doubled over the last eight years, to a combined annual turnover ofŁ10 billion. Unlike the majority of business start-ups, most franchises are successful,... czytaj dalej

Kellogg on Biotechnology
Loffler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biotechnology is the new capital. The many stakeholders in this revolution include scientists, technologists, managers, and venture capitalists; health care, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries;... czytaj dalej