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Quality Engineering Handbook
T. Pyzdek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Includes straightforward explanations and full mathematical detailServes as a stand-alone guide for CQE exam preparationProvides new and expanded sections on management systems, leadership and facilitation... czytaj dalej

Tissue Engineering & Novel Delivery Systems
M. Yaszemski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Evaluates biocompatible materials for the controlled delivery of drugs, proteins, and genes, as well as influence the growth and assembly of tissuesDiscloses critical research and state-of-the-art technologies... czytaj dalej

How to Survive Your First in Teaching
Cowley Wydawnictwo: inne

Based on her successful book Starting Teaching, Sue Cowley here offers ways of dealing with all the typical issues that arise during the first year of teaching, including how to plan for, control and teach... czytaj dalej

Human Resource Management
D'Annunzio,Maxwell Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a high-level edited collection, featuring original contributions from some of the most important academics in this field (Conrad Lashley, Connie Mok, Julia Christensen Hughes). Using the data gathered... czytaj dalej

God's New Man John Paul II's Leacy & the Election of the New
Collins Wydawnictwo: inne

The dramatic events leading up to the appearance of white smoke over the Vatican and the public declaration from the balcony of St Peters- Habemus Papam- has been the most remarkable yet in the election of... czytaj dalej

One Voice Pacifist Writings form the Second World War Humili
H. Brittain Wydawnictwo: inne

In this book are contained two short books by the best selling author Vera Brittain - Seeds of Chaos and Humiliation with Honour. For this new edition there is an introduction by Aleksandra Bennett of McMaster... czytaj dalej

Ellenberg & Rifkin's Diabetes Mellitus
Porte Wydawnictwo: inne

A comprehensive reference on diabetes mellitus, covering basic biochemistry, physiology, and pathogenesis, as well as clinical diagnosis and treatment. The Sixth Edition includes five new chapters, plus new... czytaj dalej

Spine Surgery a Practical Atlas
Wetzel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a practical surgical reference for all aspects of spine surgery, including detailed written and visual descriptions of each surgical procedure. It covers all of the spine including lumbar, thoracic... czytaj dalej

Dairy Sheep Nutrition
G. Pulina Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book provides an essential guide to all aspects of dairy sheep nutrition including milk production, protein, energy, mineral and vitamin nutrition, feed intake, nutrition and milk quality, grazing and... czytaj dalej

Cycad Classification
Walters Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume presents the current state of our knowledge of the classification of the approximately 300 species of cycads. It includes contributions from leading researchers from Australia, China, Italy, Mexico... czytaj dalej