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All the Things I See
J. Joseph Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first paperback collection of children's poems by Jenny Joseph, whose poem, "Warning" ("When I am an old woman I shall wear purple..."), was voted the nation's favourite poem... czytaj dalej

News from No Man's Land
J. Simpson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The third bestselling volume of memoirs from John Simpson On 13 November 2001, John Simpson and a BBC news crew walked into Kabul and the liberation of the Afghan capital was broadcast to a waiting world. It... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography
Trudgill Wydawnictwo: inne

Written and edited by a distinguished group of physical geographers, Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography covers a diverse and lively selection of topics and offers guides to the contemporary debates... czytaj dalej

Hungarian Revolution 1956 (Elite #148)
E. Schmidl Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing Ltd.

The Hungarian Revolution of October 1956 was the most important armed rising against the USSR during the Cold War. The spontaneous demonstrations by students and workers were joined by Hungarian soldiers, and... czytaj dalej

Color Photography
G. Bauret Wydawnictwo: inne

Billing itself as 'an homage to the photographers who elevated the use of color to an art form,' this oversized coffee-table book mainly comprises meticulously printed, full-page reproductions of 150 images... czytaj dalej

Triumph of Technology
A. Broers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Triumph of Technology is taken from Lord Alec Broers 2005 BBC Reith Lectures on the role and importance of technology in our lives. The lectures discuss the way technology has shaped life since the beginnings... czytaj dalej

Colorectal Tumors
T. Tot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Large-section histopathology widens your perspectives...Correct diagnosis and staging are essential in determining the appropriate therapy of colorectal carcinoma, one of the most common malignancies in America... czytaj dalej

M. Ib Wydawnictwo: inne

An epic tale of love and adventure at sea, this novel is a portrait of a small, eccentric community, a magical evocation of childhood where past meets present and summer becomes winter. ... czytaj dalej

Toxic Der Biss
T. Sullivan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Detective Sergeant Seamus Moynihan steht vor dem spektakulärsten Fall seiner Karriere. Er hat drei Mordfälle aufzuklären, Männer im besten Alter, die nackt ans Bett gefesselt wurden und am Gift einer der tödlichsten... czytaj dalej

Pharmacotherapy of Gastrointestinal Inflammation
M. Parnham Wydawnictwo: inne

In recent years, the area of pharmacotherapy of GI inflammation has witnessed important progress, with new drugs and therapeutic approaches being introduced. The volume reviews the pharmacotherapy of selected... czytaj dalej