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World Regional Geography
Bradshaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

World Regional Geography: The New Global Order provides a geographical study of world issues through analysis of nine world regions and the countries in each. Political, demographic, economic, cultural, and... czytaj dalej

Management Strategy Achieving Sustained Competitive Advantag
Marcus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Management Strategy: Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 1st edition, by Alfred Marcus, is a strategy book which focuses on how making winning moves is dependent upon finding profitable patterns that repeatedly... czytaj dalej

Sammy's Hill
K. Gore Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A wonderfully funny, warm debut novel - with a hilarious and poignant look at life on Capitol Hill. Samantha (Sammy) Joyce is hard-working, idealistic and extremely competent - as well as just a little bit... czytaj dalej

My Name is Sei Shonagon
J. Blensdorf Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Who is Sei Shonagon? The tenth-century author of The Pillow Book? A woman of mixed-race parentage, surviving life in modern Japan? Or a voice from behind a screen, reaching across centuries, linking them both... czytaj dalej

Mysteries of Eleusis
Margaret Doody Wydawnictwo: inne

In the winter of 330-329 BC Athens itself suffers a series of alarming thefts and home robberies. The great philosopher Aristotle helps his former student Stephanos investigate a break-in and brutal murder... czytaj dalej

Advances in Parasitology v56
Baker at al Wydawnictwo: inne

Advances in Parasitology is a serial containing in-depth reviews on current topics of interest in contemporary parasitology. It includes medical studies on parasites of major influence, such as trypanosomiasis... czytaj dalej

Navigating Materials World
Baillie Wydawnictwo: inne

This book will enable students to navigate through materials science and engineering courses with increased motivation, reflection and depth.It contains a series of guides that will help students learn about... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Brain Tumor Chemotherapy
H. Hewton Wydawnictwo: inne

The book provides a broad overview of the current 'state-of-the-art' in the use of chemotherapy for primary and metastatic brain tumors and includes information on traditional (e.g., alkylating agents, spindle... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Isoelectric Focusing & Proteomics
Garfin Wydawnictwo: inne

Isoelectric focusing (IEF) is a high-resolution, stand-alone technique that can be used as an analytical method or tool for protein purification. The only current book on the market, the Handbook of Isoelectric... czytaj dalej

Birds of Africa v.6
Fry Wydawnictwo: inne

This, the 6th volume in a set of seven, follows the standard taxonomic sequence and deals with songbirds from the babblers to the starlings. A new introduction brings the reader up to date with recent developments... czytaj dalej