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Dilemmas of Care in the Nordic Welfare State
Eriksen Wydawnictwo: inne

Admiration for the Nordic welfare model in feminist literature and welfare state studies has heightened scientific and political interest in that model. In this volume, contributors from various disciplines... czytaj dalej

Exchange Rate Crisis in Developing Countries
M. Hall Wydawnictwo: inne

According to many economists, the increasing mobility of capital across borders has made it more costly to peg exchange rates. This phenomenon has contributed to some of the more famous examples of exchange... czytaj dalej

Warfare in Europe 1815-1914
P. Wilson Wydawnictwo: inne

The history of nineteenth-century European warfare is framed by the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. The Crimean War and the struggles for Italian and German... czytaj dalej

S. Goonatilake Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recolonisation contributes to the developing debate which is questioning the role of foreign funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs). There is a growing awareness that they serve as a powerful structural... czytaj dalej

Sociology of the Body
K. Cregan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Through a provocative analysis, this book contextualizes, explicates and critically analyses the work of those key theorists and texts that have been most influential in refocusing our gaze on human embodiment... czytaj dalej

New Directions in Social Theory
Reed Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`This book contributes to the growing debates about social theory and its role through a discussion of the ways in which gender and race contributed to the exclusion of important thinkers from the sociological... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Evaluation
A. Shaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation" is a unique and authoritative resource consisting of twenty five chapters covering a range of evaluation theories and techniques in a single, accessible volume. With... czytaj dalej

Diaspora & Hybridity
V. Kalra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Diaspora Hybridity deals with those theoretical issues which concern social theory and social change in the new millennium. The volume provides a refreshing, critical and illuminating analysis of concepts... czytaj dalej

Human Biology
D. Chiras Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new edition of this introductory text includes current examples, ideas, and discoveries in areas including nutrition, heart health, immunology, cancer, genetics, genetic engineering, and environmental issues... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Accounting Terms 4e
J. Siegel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The updated edition of this quick-reference short-entry dictionary defines more than 2,500 accounting, bookkeeping, and tax-related terms. General areas covered include: financial accounting; managerial and... czytaj dalej