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Poetyka i antropologia. Cykl Podolski Włodzimierza Odojewskiego
Magdalena Rembowska-Płuciennik Wydawnictwo:

Książka jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o antropologiczne implikacje rozwiązań narracyjno-kompozycyjnych w literaturze współczesnej. Przedmiotem analiz są tekstowe reprezentacje wybranych kategorii antropologicznych... czytaj dalej

Biotechnological Applications of Microbes
G. Podila Wydawnictwo: inne

Microbial applications is a fascinating field of science and is increasingly regarded as a mainstream, central tenet of biology rather than just an interesting peripheral topic. The research into their applications... czytaj dalej

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights through Border M
Vrins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is a practical guide on anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy measures at the borders of the enlarged European Community. It deals with all aspects of "border measures" under Regulation (EC)... czytaj dalej

Hands-On Guide to Streaming Media
J. Follansbee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book describes the steps for creating an on-demand and live streaming video in an all-in-one reference guide for new users and companies that need introduced to the technology. After reading this book... czytaj dalej

Second Century Reconnecting Customer & Value Chain Through
Holweg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the auto industry moves into its second century, it suffers from low margins and a sclerotic value chain that cannot evolve with customer desires. Inventories of many weeks pile up on dealer lots and at... czytaj dalej

Mosby's Massage Therapy Review
Fritz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by massage therapy expert Sandy Fritz, this unique review resource prepares users for massage therapy exams -- both routine semester exams and tests administered by the National Certification Board... czytaj dalej

God That Failed
R. Crossman Wydawnictwo: inne

The introduction to this work recounts how the collection was assembled, how the lessons of the Cold War remain vital to the debate of current events, and how the influence of communism was able to reshape... czytaj dalej

Rocky Mountains TSK 3e
Mason Florence,Christer Nystrom,Marisa Gierlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide provides information on all resorts, with tips on how to get around and a summary of what to do and what to see in the various national parks.... czytaj dalej

Check Your Vocabulary for Marketing
Greasby Wydawnictwo: inne

This workbook provides material to learn English with marketing vocabulary. It contains 47 activities, including word games. puzzles and quizzes to help improve specialist English vocabulary. ... czytaj dalej

Fear This
Suau Wydawnictwo: inne

Fear This is Anthony Suau's first-hand documentation of the United States before, during, and after the recent war in Iraq. Suau has dedicated his career to documenting the effects of international events on... czytaj dalej