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My Name is Million
W. Kuniczak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These, then are some of the distinguished Americans of Polish origin or descent, and this has been their story in the United States...There have been no significant movements in American history in which the... czytaj dalej

Grat Deception the Secret History of the European Union
C. Booker Wydawnictwo: inne

As the European Union moves this year towards adopting the constitution which will mark its final emergence as a "United States of Europe," The Great Deception shows how the most ambitious political... czytaj dalej

Jewish Travel Guide 2002
Zainder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For many years "The Jewish Travel Guide" has been essential reading for all Jewish travellers. As the world gets ever smaller and more places become accessible they, like everyone else, are expanding... czytaj dalej

N. Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Neil Campbell and Jane Reece's BIOLOGY remains unsurpassed as the most successful majors biology textbook in the world. This text has invited more than 4 million students into the study of this dynamic and... czytaj dalej

Viral Hepatitis
Thomas Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There has been an explosion of both the incidence and medical knowledge of viral hepatitis over the last two decades. The incidence of infection and disease is continuing to increase dramatically. The CDC estimates... czytaj dalej

City Living
S. Algotsson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In America alone, nearly 70 million people live in urban areas. Fortunately, cities offer as much variety in living spaces as the people who inhabit them-young or old, single or family, super-rich or everyday... czytaj dalej

Eric Mendelsohn Built Works
Regina Stephan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Erich Mendelsohn's visionary approach to architecture was evident in his very first project, the Einstein Tower in Potsdam. The rounded edges and clearly defined verticals and horizontals of this building --... czytaj dalej

Working Within Two Kinds of Capitalism
I. Lynch-Fannon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text compares the corporate governance structures of the US quoted company and its European equivalent and the role which employees as non-shareholding stakeholders hold within those structures. It focuses... czytaj dalej

Życzenia 3 "Życzę zdrowia"
Helena Karolina Bujalska Wydawnictwo: Edycja Świętego Pawła

Brak zdrowia przygnębia... Ale głowa do góry! Słońca nie znajdziesz pod nogami . Nawet kilka trafnych słów potrafi podźwignąć człowieka, przywrócić mu nadzieję, dodać otuchy. Znajdziesz je w tej książeczce... czytaj dalej

ycie w mieście. Obrazki dla maluchów
Nathalie Belineau, Emilie Beaumont Wydawnictwo: OLESIEJUK

Książeczka ta rozbudzi w najmłodszych czytelnikach ciekawość świata i pozwoli im zobaczyć, jak żyje się w mieście.... czytaj dalej