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This comprehensive volume of David Miller and Robert Hull's practice spans civic buildings, office and retail structures, educational and institutional projects and their award-winning houses.... czytaj dalej
Complete, practical guide for independent travellers. Covers all aspects of Baltic life including culture, history, beaches, activities, eating, nature and big sights.... czytaj dalej
Barnum and Fred are half-brothers, growing up in sixties Oslo. Barnum seems to have stopped growing, while his older half-brother, conceived after the rape of their mother and frustrated by learning difficulties... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate and MBA course in Management Communication, Writing, or Oral Presentations courses, and Executive Seminars or Workshops.Guide to Managerial Communication is a clear, concise and practical... czytaj dalej
In her first book, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd delivers a scorching illumination of the Bush administration's fractured adventures in empire-building.... czytaj dalej
The first book to look at this particular subject, The Roman Book of Gardening brings together an extraordinarily varied selection of texts on Roman horticulture, celebrating herb and vegetable gardening in... czytaj dalej
The publication of Performance Studies: An Introduction was a defining moment for the field. In this completely updated second edition, the author opens with a discussion of important developments in the discipline... czytaj dalej
This volume contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Modelling of Construction Processes in Geotechnical Engineering for Urban Environment (Bochum, Germany, 23-24. March 2006).... czytaj dalej
The ghost at Hill house can't seem to get his head on straight. Since he lost it over a 100 years ago, that is. And there are these two boys in town who love to spook everyone; they howl behind bushes, love... czytaj dalej
A well-researched guide to the most profitable spreads in the futures market The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads is divided by product category-energy, natural gas, meats, soybeans, corn/wheat... czytaj dalej