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Wojna o dąb
Bull Emma Wydawnictwo:

Bohaterka - Eddi, gitarzystka i wokalistka rockowa zrywa ze swym chłopakiem, nieodpowiedzialnym dupkiem i sukinsynem. A że dupek i sukinsyn kieruje grupą rockową, ta rozpada się w diabły. W rezultacie Eddy... czytaj dalej

Efektywność prawa ochrony środowiska i jej uwarunkowania - problemy udatności jego struktury
Jerzy Somer Wydawnictwo:

Punktem wyjścia analizy był pogląd, że prawo ochrony środowiska za swój przedmiot ma zachowanie człowieka a nie zjawiska przyrodnicze, medyczne czy techniczne. Te zjawiska są w tle (lub jak kto woli u podstaw... czytaj dalej

Remaining Relevant After Communism
A. Wachtel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than any other art form, literature defined Eastern Europe as a cultural and political entity in the second half of the twentieth century. Although often persecuted by the state, East European writers... czytaj dalej

Dream of the Perfect Child
J. Rothschild Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Every parent wants a healthy, normal child, and scientific and technological advances have now made this increasingly possible to achieve. But progress comes with a price. Tracing its roots from Enlightenment... czytaj dalej

Cancer & Skeleton
R. Rubens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive discussion of cancer's effect on the skeleton, this book covers bone tumors, myeloma bone disease and bone metastases. The assessment of these conditions through diagnostic imaging and the use... czytaj dalej

Politics of Terrorism
A. Tan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Terrorism is increasingly at the forefront of political agendas. Events world-wide have led to an increased awareness and response to this global phenomenon. The focus of this volume is on examining the fundamental... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Arab Women's Art
Fran Lloyd Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The work of 18 Arab women artists from around the world is collected together here, challenging Western stereotypes of the female role in Arab society and vividly illustrating how women experience and question... czytaj dalej

Australian Essential Dispute Resolution
D. Spencer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The purpose of this book is to provide a clear and concise guide to the key elements of Essential Dispute Resolution. The books in the Cavendish Essential series are intended as a helpful revision aid for the... czytaj dalej

Light & Matter
Band Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Electromagnetism, Optics, Spectroscopy and Lasers covers both the theory and the practical consequences and applications of, the ways in which light interacts with matter.... czytaj dalej

Subtraction Aspects
Alexander Gelman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A renowned designer gives a provocative explanation of his unusual design approach, so admired for the powerful and effective messages it conveys. The author breaks down his philosophy into four stages - expose... czytaj dalej