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Computer Architecture a Quantitative Approach
J. Hennessy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This best-selling title, considered for over a decade to be essential reading for every serious student and practitioner of computer design, has been updated throughout to address the most important trends... czytaj dalej

Cross Country Student's Book 4
J. Revell,A. Ward Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This four-level course for students beginning English at the age of ten or eleven contains outstanding features which reflect current thinking about language learning and syllabus design.slow initial paceregular... czytaj dalej

Female Face of God in Auschwitz
M. Raphael Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The dominant theme of post-Holocaust Jewish theology has been that of the temporary hiddenness of God, interpreted either as a divine mystery or, more commonly, as God's deferral to human freedom. But traditional... czytaj dalej

Transformation of Strategic Affairs
Lawrence Freedman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book analyzes the strategic implications of the shift in focus for the US Armed Forces from regular to irregular war. Lawrence Freedman closely examines the difficulty the US Armed Forces face in shifting... czytaj dalej

Urban Groundwater Meeting the Challenge
Howard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past three decades, urban groundwater has emerged as one of the world's most pressing issues. Explosive population growth, most prevalent in cities, has placed an inordinate demand on groundwater... czytaj dalej

Paediatrics Illustrated Colour Text
Field Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title covers the core knowledge in paediatrics required by undergraduate medical students in a largely problem-based format. Each problem is dealt with in a double page spread. Extensive use is made of... czytaj dalej

Carpet People
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A hilarious fantasy, co-written by Terry Pratchett, aged seventeen, and master storyteller, Terry Pratchett, aged forty-three. In the beginning there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet ... czytaj dalej

Satie Remembered
Robert Orledge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From "Gymnopedies" to the scandalous ballet "Relache", Erik Satie's creations are paradoxical and extraordinary, and the mask the composer created for himself was as deliberately ambiguous... czytaj dalej

In the Know in the USA
J. Phillips Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Coming to work in the U.S. for the first time? How's a foreigner to know that when we say "drop by anytime" we don't really mean it?Success abroad, in business and in social situations, requires a... czytaj dalej

Mechanisms & Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias
C. Garrratt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmias is essential for their successful diagnosis and management. This concise single author text provides clinicians with the basic science that is becoming increasingly... czytaj dalej