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Carpet People
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A hilarious fantasy, co-written by Terry Pratchett, aged seventeen, and master storyteller, Terry Pratchett, aged forty-three. In the beginning there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet ... czytaj dalej

Satie Remembered
Robert Orledge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From "Gymnopedies" to the scandalous ballet "Relache", Erik Satie's creations are paradoxical and extraordinary, and the mask the composer created for himself was as deliberately ambiguous... czytaj dalej

In the Know in the USA
J. Phillips Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Coming to work in the U.S. for the first time? How's a foreigner to know that when we say "drop by anytime" we don't really mean it?Success abroad, in business and in social situations, requires a... czytaj dalej

Mechanisms & Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias
C. Garrratt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmias is essential for their successful diagnosis and management. This concise single author text provides clinicians with the basic science that is becoming increasingly... czytaj dalej

101 Things to Do with Your Computer
Doherty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide explores the range of possibilities available with modern computers. Using colourful illustrations and screenshots this guide opens up new horizons for children aged 10 years and over.... czytaj dalej

ASH Wednesday
E. Hawke Wydawnictwo: inne

Two people, three lives, one love. Is there anything more terrifying than being in love? Following Jimmy Heartsock and his love Christy as they drive across America, confronting family history, personal hang-ups... czytaj dalej

Governing Global Banking
Wood Wydawnictwo: inne

This timely and highly topical text examines the development of the Basel Committee. Thorough and well-researched, it studies the Committee's creation, achievements and prospective role in the 21st century... czytaj dalej

Bodies at Work
C. Wolkowitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Bodies at Work" provides the first full-length, accessible account of the body/work relation in contemporary western societies. Bringing together fields of sociology that have hitherto developed... czytaj dalej

Insurance Law Cases & Materials
Lowry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Given the sheer expanse of insurance law, the aims of this book must necessarily be modest. While it is intended that it should complement "Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles", the authors have... czytaj dalej

Mein Beruf ćwiczenia z języka niemieckiego
Wolski Przemysław Wydawnictwo: Rea

Mein Beruf gwarantuje osiągnięcie podstawowych umiejętności komunikacyjnych, porównywalnych z poziomem A1. Spełnia też wymagania egzaminu Start Deutsch 1 Instytutu Goethego. Podręcznik uwzględnia typowe problemy... czytaj dalej