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Introduction to Plastics
Elias Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Clear and comprehensive, this volume is not only an informative guide for practitioners in the field of plastics, but also an indispensable aid for plastics engineers, polymer scientists, chemists, physicists... czytaj dalej

Abalos & Herreros
A. Zaera Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This series is the best reference available for information on today's leading architects, and presents their work in an affordable and thoroughly illustrated format. Each book begins with an overview of the... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Social Theory
Harrington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Encyclopedia of Social Theory jest niezbędnym źródłem informacji dla każdego, kto jest zainteresowany współczesnymi teoriami społecznymi. Publikacja wyraźnie przypatruje się globalnemu krajobrazowi wraz... czytaj dalej

Hume Reason & Morality
S. Botros Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering an important theme in Humean studies, this book focuses on Hume's hugely influential attempt in book three of his Treatise of Human Nature to derive the conclusion that morality is a matter of feeling... czytaj dalej

Literacies Across Media: Playing the Text
Mackey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The contemporary young reader learns from a very early age to read and interpret through a broad range of media. Literacies Across Media explores how a group of boys and girls, aged from 10 to 14, make sense... czytaj dalej

Everest Reaching for the Sky
J. Masoff Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book introduces readers to Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay--the first men to reach the peak of Mount Everest. Difficult climbing conditions on Everest--rough terrain, cold temperatures, and high altitude--... czytaj dalej

John's Hopkins Atlas of Surgical Pathology
J. Epstein Wydawnictwo: inne

The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Surgical Pathology CD-ROM offers today's most comprehensive and high-quality pictorial assistance in identifying a range of neoplastic and non-neoplastic entities. Extraordinary full-colour... czytaj dalej

S. Turnbull Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Take a fascinating journey through the history of trains, from the early steam engines to the latest high-speed machines, and find out how they work. Clear text, superb photographs and interesting diagrams... czytaj dalej

Enigma How the Poles Broke the Nazi Code
W. Kozaczuk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The breaking of the German Enigma code (produced by a mechanical cipher) has often portrayed as a largely British affair but according to the authors (a Polish historian and a former Polish naval intelligence... czytaj dalej

Dragons Modern Infestation
Pamela Wharton Blanpied Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Pre-medieval dragons are a staple of Western culture, familiar through bestiaries, folklore and the framework of meaning provided by the church. Dragons of the Modern Infestation, however, must be known through... czytaj dalej