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Dictionary of Statistics
Upton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This wide-ranging, jargon-free dictionary contains over 1,700 entries on all aspects of statistics including terms used in computing, mathematics, operational research, and probability, as well as biographical... czytaj dalej

Principles & Applications of Electrical Engineering
Rizzoni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rizzoni provides a solid overview of the electrical engineering discipline that is especially geared toward the many non-electrical engineering students who take this course. The hallmark feature of the text... czytaj dalej

Placing Words
Mitchell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The meaning of a message, says William Mitchell, depends on the context of its reception. "Shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater produces a dramatically different effect from barking the same word to a... czytaj dalej

Road That Is Not Road and Open City Ritoque Chile
Ann Pendleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

foreword by Joseph Rykwert Several thousand miles south of the equator along the Pacific coast of South America, is the site of the Open City Amereida. It is a laboratory for thought and work, conceived and... czytaj dalej

Where Land and Water Meet
N. Langston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Water and land interrelate in surprising and ambiguous ways, and riparian zones, where land and water meet, have effects far outside their boundaries. Using the Malheur Basin in southeastern Oregon as a case... czytaj dalej

British Art Treasures from Russian Imperial Collections
Allen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than two hundred years ago, Russian Empress Catherine the Great and some of her courtiers developed a taste for British art and collected some spectacular items including paintings, drawings, sculpture... czytaj dalej

Genus Yersinia Entering the Functional Genomic Era
Skurnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Genus Yersinia: Entering the functional genomic era contains 96 timely chapters on different aspects. It summarizes work done both on genome-wide approaches and on detailed microbe-host interactions as... czytaj dalej

New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy
N. Totton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is currently an explosion of interest in the field of body psychotherapy. This is feeding back into psychotherapy and counselling in general, with many practitioners and trainees becoming interested in... czytaj dalej

Children with Star
Deborah Dwork Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This powerful and moving book tells for the first time the history of the children who lived and died in the shadow of the Holocaust. Drawing on oral histories, archival records, letters and diaries, Dwork... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Vascular Anatomy of Skelton & Spinal Cord
H. Crock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work illustrates the blood supply of the entire skeleton. A short introduction to each chapter or section emphasizes the clinical relevance of the blood flow for each part of the anatomy. It is intended... czytaj dalej