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This epic fantasy, written by the authors of the Belgariad, is volume two of a new series, The Dreamers. The books are set in the Land of Dhrall, home to a multitude of gods who take a very active role in daily... czytaj dalej
Demonstrates how taking care of oneself promotes the capacity for, and the enjoyment of, taking care of others.... czytaj dalej
"Printmaking at the Edge" explores the innovative techniques printmakers are using today. The topics covered range from the challenges of new technology and materials (for example, the latest high-tech... czytaj dalej
Petrology 3rd edition successfully builds upon the strengths of its predecessor, but now also includes fresh and engaging features to bring the book to the forefront of today's teaching. New chapters on Volcanism... czytaj dalej
This highly visual and amusing book is designed for anyone who has difficulty deciding which punctuation marks to use and where to put them. The content is graded, starting with the simplest rules and ending... czytaj dalej
Revised to take account of the dynamic privatization programme undertaken by the Czech Republic since the break-up of Czechoslovakia in 1993, this edition provides businesses with a pragmatic guide describing... czytaj dalej
A physician, Richardson was a founder of the Newcastle Research Group whose findings are presented here. Drawing on decades of his own work and the work of his colleagues, Richardson describes numerous case... czytaj dalej
An elementary text written for users of logs--bankers, landmen, geology and engineering technicians, clerks, and secretaries--who come across logs in their daily routines and would like to make sense of the wiggly lines. ... czytaj dalej
A sequel to 'Poles in America', published 20 years ago, this new work includes essays written by scholars in Poland, now made available by the many changes that have occurred there since 1977. The contributors... czytaj dalej
The Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce provides the most inclusive and up-to-date coverage of the e-technologies field. This two-volume encyclopedia includes quality contributions... czytaj dalej