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Sports cars for millionaires, sports cars for the millions encompassing everything from the MGB, the sales paragon with 513,272 cars sold, to the Jaguar XK SS, of which just 16 were sold worldwide. The specifications... czytaj dalej
Electronic Media Law and Regulation 4E is an overview of the major legal and regulatory issues facing broadcasting, cable, and developing media. It enables current and prospective electronic media professionals... czytaj dalej
Old master paintings are now considered to be the most valuable and prestigious of the visual arts, and the best examples command the highest prices of any luxury commodity. In this series of lectures Jonathan... czytaj dalej
This official book from Maya Press is your key to harnessing the full power of Maya, even if you're not a programmer. Knowing MEL (Maya Embedded Language, the scripting language used by Maya) permits you to... czytaj dalej
Enjoy the ultimate flexibility for study, review and reference with this full-text CD, including all illustrations from the book in the electronic version of Netters Internal Medicine! Includes the most current... czytaj dalej
Les Reconnaissances, traduites en latin par Rufin d'Aquilée vers l'an 400, sont l'une des deux versions connues d'un roman rédigé vraisemblablement en Syrie au IIIe sičcle de notre čre. Sous une forme autobiographique... czytaj dalej
Bad Jews and Other Stories is a nuanced and comic vision of life, love and spiritual adventurism among the determinedly secular class of contemporary American Jews. Cut off from the array of character-building... czytaj dalej
Sunday Times#8216;A work of singular accomplishment#8217; Daily Telegraph#8216;a forlornly moving elegy to a generation...#8217; ... czytaj dalej
This book summarises the basic facts and key principles of the important cases in constitutional and administrative law, in clear, straightforward language. Organised by topic areas to illustrate the key principles... czytaj dalej
Miller's "Living In The Environment, 15th Edition" is the most comprehensive and up-to-date environmental science text on the market. It has the most balanced approach to environmental science instruction... czytaj dalej