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CD-ROM Internal Medicine
Stein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Stein CD contains all the huge wealth and illustrations on disease pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment contained in Internal Medicine 5/e. From the opening screen, it is possible to go to whichever... czytaj dalej

Nursing Outcomes Classification 2ed
A. Johns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text represents the first description of outcomes, standardising the terminology and criteria for measurable or desirable outcomes as a result of interventions performed by nurses. NOC presents 190 outcome... czytaj dalej

Ferris Differential Diagnosis
Ferri Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here's a portable, concise guide to differential diagnosis for over 900 signs, symptoms and clinical disorders. Differential diagnoses are listed both by presenting sign or symptom and by clinical disorder... czytaj dalej

Homeward Bound
H. Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

The enthralling climax to the alternate-history series that began with Worldwar. In his groundbreaking Worldwar series, Harry Turtledove introduced the Race, a technically-advanced army of alien lizards that... czytaj dalej

Central & South America Healthy Travel 1e
Isabelle Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Getting the most out of your travels means staying healthy. Healthy Travel Central South America is a user-friendly guide to minimising health risks and dealing with problems while on the road.clear guidelines... czytaj dalej

Mexico City TSK 2e
John Noble Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hankering for some cactus-tip tacos? Called to make a pilgrimage to the temple of tequila? Get this insightful guide and explore the riches of Mexico City - from astounding Aztec pyramids, sweeping murals and... czytaj dalej

Accessing Capital Markets through Securitization
F. Fabozzi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This innovative collection, written by securitization professionals and edited by finance guru Frank Fabozzi, thoroughly explains the basics and the mechanics of securitization and shows how securitization... czytaj dalej

Symbols of Love
Lee Wydawnictwo: inne

How would you describe love? A feeling that escapes words, love is expressed eloquently through the visual language of symbols. Colorful and engaging, Symbols of Love strikes at the core of this elusive emotion... czytaj dalej

S. King Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In diesem atmosphärisch ungeheuer dichten Roman schildert Stephen King, der weltweit als "Edgar Allan Poe der Gegenwart" gefeiert wird, den uralten mythischen Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse. Die Gemeinschaft... czytaj dalej

M. Nowak,R. Schifman,R. Brinkmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drogenabhängigkeit ist ein geradezu idealtypisches bioposychosoziales Problem. Alle Berufe im Gesundheitswesen sind auf irgendeine Weise damit konfrontiert. Oft ohne ausreichende Supervision und fachliche Unterstützung... czytaj dalej