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Hankering for some cactus-tip tacos? Called to make a pilgrimage to the temple of tequila? Get this insightful guide and explore the riches of Mexico City - from astounding Aztec pyramids, sweeping murals and... czytaj dalej
Edward II presided over a turbulent and politically charged period of English history, but to date he has been relatively neglected in comparison to other fourteenth and fifteenth-century kings. This book offers... czytaj dalej
Pauvre Arthur Accroc! Apprendre qu'on est devenu pere sans avoir... enfin rien fait pour ça, voila de quoi ébranler le flegme le plus involontaire de toute la Galaxie! Suffisamment, en tout cas, pour aller... czytaj dalej
Quand Jean Orieux nous fait découvrir La Fontaine, c'est en véritable ami qu'il le présente, c'est-ŕ-dire sans indulgence mais sans sévérité, avec une tendresse toujours chaleureuse. Il essaie - et il y parvient... czytaj dalej
How would you describe love? A feeling that escapes words, love is expressed eloquently through the visual language of symbols. Colorful and engaging, Symbols of Love strikes at the core of this elusive emotion... czytaj dalej
Sharpe#8217;s second South African novel is a riot of hilarity when the local constabulary sets out to terrorize true Englishmen and even truer Zulus, in its relentless search for a perfect South Africa.... czytaj dalej
A timely, authoritative discussion of an important clincial topic, this useful book outlines the history, function, nature and requirements of informed consent, focusing on patient autonomy as central to the... czytaj dalej
"Cultural Heritage" is a new title in the Routledge Major Works series, "Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies". Edited by Laurajane Smith of the University of York, UK, this four-volume... czytaj dalej
The clash between evolution and creationism is one of the most hotly contested topics in education today. This book, written by one of America's most distinguished science educators, provides essential background... czytaj dalej
The Mongols had a huge impact on medieval Europe and the Islamic world. This book provides a comprehensive survey of contacts between the Catholic West and the Mongol world-empire from the first appearance... czytaj dalej