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Alles Sense
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wie sagte doch dereinst ein berühmter Schotte: 'Nichts ist für die Ewigkeit!' Und schon gar nicht irgendein Job und sei er noch so wichtig. In diesem Fall ist jedoch ein wenig Überraschung angebracht. Schließlich... czytaj dalej

Business Data Communications
W. Stallings Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Business Data Communications, Data Communications and Introductory Networking for business students.This text presents the fundamental concepts of data communications, networking, distributed... czytaj dalej

S. Lem Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In ten essays, a master of science fiction and fantasy discusses the current state of the genre in analyses of the scientific and literary bases of his o and others' work.... czytaj dalej

Fiesers' Reagents for Organic Synthesis 22 vols + index
Michael Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The highly successful "FieserFieser" series has provided several generations of professional chemists and students with an up-to-date survey of the reagent literature. Reagents are listed in alphabetical... czytaj dalej

Diabetes II
J. Day Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The purpose of this book is to provide those patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes, their friends, family and caregivers with easy-to- access information on the condition. It will provide this information... czytaj dalej

C. Voigt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When hard times among the People revive the old stories of the hero Jackaroo, an innkeeper's daughter follows her own quest to unlock the secret reality behind the legend. ... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Mental Health Interventions in Children & Adol
Steiner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Handbook of Mental Health Interventions in Children and Adolescents is an essential guide for mental healthcare professionals to the theory and practice of mental health treatment for children up to age... czytaj dalej

Counselling in a Nutshell
Windy Dryden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What is counselling and how does it work? "Counselling in a Nutshell" provides the answers to these questions and more, as part of an step-by-step guide to the counselling relationship and the therapeutic... czytaj dalej

Online Assessment Measurement & Evaluation
D. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Online Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation: Emerging Practices provides a view of the possibilities and challenges facing online educators and evaluators in the 21st Century. As technology evolves and online... czytaj dalej

Cutler Anderson Architects
Sheri Olson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Established in 1977, Cutler Anderson Architects (formerly James Cutler Architects) is nationally known for its environmental awareness and attention to detail. Dedicated to design excellence, the firm has received... czytaj dalej