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Bare Branches
Hudson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What happens to a society that has too many men? In this provocative book, Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer argue that, historically, high male-to-female ratios often trigger domestic and international violence... czytaj dalej

Vitamin Responsive Conditions in Paediatric Neurology
Baxter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book, the latest in the International Child Neurology Review series, is the first authoritative synthesis of the role of vitamin treatments in children with neurological disorders. It covers all the conditions... czytaj dalej

Apple I Replica Creation
T. Owad Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The perfect book for computer hobbyists, Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage is sure to equally appeal both to kids with gift certificates looking for fun on a snowy January day as well as to adults... czytaj dalej

Stem Cells
A. Wobus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past few years, stem cell research has metamorphosed into distinct and specialized avenues of research. However, the present book presents in a single volume many novel aspects of stem cell biology... czytaj dalej

World of Yesterday
S. Zweig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The autobiography of the internationally famous biographer and dramatist is a chronicle of three ages: the golden days of Vienna that ended with Word War I; that war and its aftermath; and the Hitler... czytaj dalej

50 Ways to Protect Your Identity & Your Credit
Weisman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The world of credit is fraught with peril. First, there's the enormous and growing risk of identity theft, which victimized nearly 10 million Americans in 2003 alone. But the quieter risks are just as real:... czytaj dalej

America First
Merck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At a time when the expanded projection of US political, military, economic and cultural power draws intensified global concern, understanding how that country understands itself seems more important than ever... czytaj dalej

Understanding the World Economy
Cleaver Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With globalization continuing apace, the world economy continues to experience dramatic change and development. This third edition of Understanding the World Economy builds on the popular format of its predecessors... czytaj dalej

Marketing Era From Professional Practice To Global
K. Applaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Marketing has situated itself as an indispensable tool in today's business world-an unavoidable step in the process from production to consumption. This book is the first of its kind to map out the organizing... czytaj dalej

Modeling & Forecasting Electricity Loads & Prices +CD
R. Weron Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Forecasting electricity prices and loads is a critical function of both regulated utilities and power marketers. Regulated utilities make decisions regarding capacity expansion, fuel acquisitions, and electricity... czytaj dalej