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Harry Turtledove Wydawnictwo: inne

The earth has succumbed to an uneasy peace with their alien invaders. Both sides have fought each other more or less to a stand-still. But what humanity is yet to grasp is that events are not so easily diverted... czytaj dalej

Key Writers on Art vol 2
C. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Key Writers on Art: The Twentieth Century offers a unique and authoritative guide to modern responses to art. Featuring 48 essays on the most important twentieth century writers and thinkers and written by... czytaj dalej

Walking in Scotland 1e
Sandra Bardwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Remote, beautiful, exhilarating - through magnificent glens, across rugged mountains and around windswept islands, Scotland beckons. This new guide reveals a wealth of walking in a varied, mystical and ancient... czytaj dalej

Apple I Replica Creation
T. Owad Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The perfect book for computer hobbyists, Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage is sure to equally appeal both to kids with gift certificates looking for fun on a snowy January day as well as to adults... czytaj dalej

Clinical Electrophysiology Review
G. Klein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text provides physicians with a clinically relevant approach to the interpretation of electrophysiograms (used to measure heart rhythm disorders). It also serves as a useful resource for candidates taking... czytaj dalej

50 Ways to Protect Your Identity & Your Credit
Weisman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The world of credit is fraught with peril. First, there's the enormous and growing risk of identity theft, which victimized nearly 10 million Americans in 2003 alone. But the quieter risks are just as real:... czytaj dalej

Use & Abuse of History
M. Ferro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A pioneer in its field that has become a key text of current historiography, this is a book that poses fundamental and disturbing questions about the use and abuse of history. Engaging and challenging, it confronts... czytaj dalej

America First
Merck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At a time when the expanded projection of US political, military, economic and cultural power draws intensified global concern, understanding how that country understands itself seems more important than ever... czytaj dalej

Education Plc
Ball Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Is the privatisation of state education defendable? Did the public sector ever provide a fair education for all learners? "In Education plc", Stephen Ball provides a comprehensive, analytic and empirical... czytaj dalej

Urban Groundwater Meeting the Challenge
Howard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past three decades, urban groundwater has emerged as one of the world's most pressing issues. Explosive population growth, most prevalent in cities, has placed an inordinate demand on groundwater... czytaj dalej