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Okładka - US Marine Corps Raider 1942-43
US Marine Corps Raider 1942-43
E. Gilbert

The US Marine Raider was an "elite within an elite." Modelled on British Commandoes, they were the earliest forerunners of the various Special Operations units of the modern US military. These units...czytaj dalej

Okładka - NVA & Viet Cong (Elite #38)
NVA & Viet Cong (Elite #38)
K. Conboy

This volume in the "Elite" series details the forces which fought for Vietnamese independence from the early post-war battles against the French to the modern conflicts against China and in Cambodia. ...czytaj dalej

Okładka - World War I Gas Warfare Tactics
World War I Gas Warfare Tactics
S. Jones

Battlefield Gas was first employed in April 1915 at the village of Langemarck near Ypres. At 1700 hours, the Germans released a five mile-wide cloud of 168 tons of chlorine gas from 520 cylinders, causing panic...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Wars of the Barbary Pirates
Wars of the Barbary Pirates
G. Fremont-Barnes

The Barbary War was the first war to be waged by the United States after gaining independence. ...czytaj dalej

Okładka - US Field Artillery of World War II
US Field Artillery of World War II
S. Zaloga

Determined to learn from the lessons of World War I where it was unprepared and heavily reliant on British and French guns, the US Army developed a new generation of field artillery weapons and tactics during...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Operation Cobra 1944 Breakout from Normandy
Operation Cobra 1944 Breakout from Normandy
S. Zaloga

One of the most decisive months of World War II was the 30 days between 25 July and 25 August 1944. After the success of the D-Day landings, the Allied forces found themselves bogged down in a bloody stalemate...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Gibraltar 1779-1783
Gibraltar 1779-1783
R. Chartrand

After Spain declared war against Britain on 21 June 1779, a siege by land and sea was deployed against Gibraltar. For four years the garrison of Governor Elliot was blockaded and starvation was never far away...czytaj dalej

Okładka - First Special Service Force 1942-1944
First Special Service Force 1942-1944

This famous but little-published unit was formed with three battalions in July 1942, for special operations in occupied Norway, from handpicked US and Canadian volunteers who were trained in parachute, amphibious...czytaj dalej

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