Legal terminology need not be intimidating, difficult and obscure. This book provides an ideal introduction to the meaning of the core vocabulary which confronts anyone approaching the study of Law for the...czytaj dalej
Land Law provides a clear and straightforward introduction to the basic English land law rules enabling the student to gain a firm grounding in the subject. It uses accessible language, tables and diagrams...czytaj dalej
Mastering Twentieth Century Russian History presents a vivid and informative account of the events which befell the Russian people during the course of the twentieth century. Explores the major developments...czytaj dalej
Key Concepts in Strategic Management is one of a range of comprehensive glossaries with entries arranged alphabetically for easy reference. All major concepts, terms, theories and theorists are incorporated...czytaj dalej
Mastering Biology 3rd edition has been fully revised and updated to provide the information required for today`s syllabuses. The book provides an interactive element where the readers can focus on the learning...czytaj dalej
This new edition of Mastering Physics has been completely updated and rewritten to give all the information needed to learn and master the essentials of physics. It is a self-contained, clearly explained course...czytaj dalej
Meet Theodore, Wally, Curly, Ziggy, Si, and Meese--French fries you'll love so much you won't want to eat them! But shoestring, waffle, wedge, curly and crinkle-cut potatoes were never more irresistible than...czytaj dalej
COMPULSION opens as police detective North Anderson, a close friend of Clevenger's, calls him with a piece of chilling news: one of the infant twin daughters of billionaire Darwin Bishop has been murdered in...czytaj dalej