Have you ever wanted to write a computer program in which one computer could talk to another? Or perhaps you wanted to write a program which measured an event within a fraction of a second? Well this book shows...czytaj dalej
Mastering English Language combines a systematic, detailed and lively approach that will stimulate, clarify and, where necessary, simplify many essential matters relating to the English language. The new edition...czytaj dalej
Mastering Visual Basic is an ideal introduction to the most popular Windows programming language. The book focuses on the essential skills needed to produce fully-functional applications using Microsoft Visual...czytaj dalej
Even a brief glance at the maps of what has, or might have, been called Germany through the ages reveals a kaleidoscope of alterations in shape and composition. Though there are elements of continuity, the...czytaj dalej
An authoritative text providing a first course in physics for students on access or foundation programmes and non-specialist students on degree courses such as biological sciences, chemical sciences, engineering...czytaj dalej
E-Commerce is making an ever-bigger impact on the way businesses operate. Key Concepts in e-Commerce offers readers an introduction to the many words, terms and phrases that abound in this fast developing and...czytaj dalej
The refreshingly clear style of the series and student-centred approach enable learners to progress step-by-step and provide ample material for revision and practice. This is a handy reference book, which deserves...czytaj dalej
For a small island in the Atlantic, Ireland has had an astonishingly powerful impact on the wider world, both at the height of its independent power in the early middle ages (as a key exporter of Christianity...czytaj dalej