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This is a commentary on the two new EC Directives on public procurement, which are due to be implemented and in force by January 2006, together with practical guidance upon their application and implementation... czytaj dalej
This is the definitive account of the ideas, politics, and diplomacy that went into the historic decision to expand NATO to Central and Eastern Europe. Drawing on the still-classified archives of the U.S. Department... czytaj dalej
Brazilians are gracious, friendly, fun-loving people, which makes their country a very inviting place to visit for pleasure or business. So great is their cordiality that Brazilians will say 'yes' to almost... czytaj dalej
Approximately one thousand years ago Gypsies, or Roma, left their native India. Today Gypsies can be found in countries throughout the world, their distinct culture still intact in spite of the intense persecution... czytaj dalej
This is a key reference guide for the exploration of leisure and outdoor recreation. It reflects the multidisciplinary nature of these fields and contextualizes the leading research and knowledge on key concepts... czytaj dalej
This book provides students with a clear and current picture of the law of trusts and equity placing the subject in its modern context. It combines in depth commentary with critical analysis to give students... czytaj dalej
Tom ten zawiera: Wolność i cywilizacja oraz studia z pogranicza antropologii społecznej, ideologii i polityki, Śmiertelny problemat, Ogólnopolska służba wywiadowcza, Podstawy nierówności między ludźmi, Antropologiczna... czytaj dalej
For a decade, "Marx, Durkheim, Weber" has been required reading on undergraduate degree programmes. This new edition, refines the material, extends the analysis and enhances our appreciation. It is... czytaj dalej
Beginning with a Cuban Catholic ritual in Miami, this book takes readers on a momentous theoretical journey toward a new understanding of religion. At this historical moment, when movement across boundaries... czytaj dalej
Karolina M. Cern - doktor filozofii, wykładowca etyki na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, specjalizuje sie w fenomenologii, filozofii społeczno-politycznej oraz filozofii prawa. Stypendystka... czytaj dalej