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Establishing a set of standards that draw the accreditation borders too tightly around preparation programs is a real danger for the development of education. Only dormant programs contain no anomalies, no... czytaj dalej
This is the revised edition of the successful first, published in 2001. It covers the philosophical underpinnings of total quality management, its instrumentalities as well as methods of strategic planning... czytaj dalej
"Gendering Politics and Policy" discusses in depth how women and women's perspectives are changing politics and policy, in both the United States and around the world. This compelling resource surveys... czytaj dalej
Provides valuable methods for parameterizing geometric modelsenables professionals to computerize the dimensioning and parameterizing tasks for increased quality, productivity, and efficiencydiscusses how dimensional... czytaj dalej
Working in the challenging context of inner city areas on accelerated school improvement does not allow time for reflection. Learning occurs experientially but it is not easily consolidated or refined. School... czytaj dalej
Compiled to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Faraday Society in 1903, this collection presents some of the key papers published in Faraday journals over the past one hundred years. The feature... czytaj dalej
The application of composite materials in structural industrial components of large volume production is strongly growing year by year due to both increase in the demand and continuous improvements in the... czytaj dalej
The growing interest in commercial RF applications and high-frequency engineering has triggered a scramble for fundamental design and analysis information, which until now has been largely scattered in the... czytaj dalej
Clearly demonstrates the value of Order Verification via the Manufactured Solution Procedure and offers a detailed guide to its implementationPresents examples involving codes that solve Berger's and the Navier-stokes... czytaj dalej
Now in its 179th edition, Laxtons has become a firm favourite in the UK Building Industry. With more prices and more in-depth build-ups, Laxtons offers more practical and complete information than any other... czytaj dalej