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Aimed at those thinking about, or already enrolled on, a postgraduate course in the UK who is less familiar with the unique character of the British HE system and unfamiliar with British culture in general. ... czytaj dalej
The author presents here a survey of over 500 examples, in 6 categories, of African traditional weapons including knives, daggers, long and short, swords, lances and throwing weapons. The items, from various... czytaj dalej
Digital Communications is a classic book in the area that is designed to be used as a senior or graduate level text. The text is flexible and can easily be used in a one semester course or there is enough depth... czytaj dalej
Your one-source guide to concrete-based systems for home and small building construction.Concrete Systems for Homes and Low-Rise Construction Provides building professionals with the hard information they require... czytaj dalej
This classic handbook provides the major formulas, calculations, cost estimating techniques, and safety procedures needed for specific die operations and performance evaluations. Dies are the most commonly... czytaj dalej
Surveying for Construction 5e is an essential textbook for students of engineering new to surveying, and will also appeal to students of building and environmental studies and archaeology. Offering a strong... czytaj dalej
Transportation research has a solid foundation of established methodology for students and professionals to turn to, and for future researchers and practitioners to build on. Recognised by reviewers as 'excellent'... czytaj dalej
Since 1948, this series has filled the gap between the papers that report on and the textbooks that teach in the diverse areas of catalysis research. The editors of and contributors to Advances in Catalysis... czytaj dalej
This volume of Advances in Protein Chemistry is devoted to protein folding mechanisms. Some of the topics covered include: autonomous protein folding units, barriers in protein folding reactions, the role of... czytaj dalej
The Lebesgue integral is now standard for both applications and advanced mathematics. This books starts with a review of the familiar calculus integral and then constructs the Lebesgue integral from the ground... czytaj dalej