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Contrary to stereotype, the construction industry has embraced IT with some vigour. Computers are used effectively across the sector and this use is increasing. A range of new issues have emerged in consequence... czytaj dalej
Written by leading experts in solid state physics, this book addresses both fundamental and applied aspects of light-matter coupling in microcavities -- one of the most active areas in solid state research.... czytaj dalej
In 2006, world oil consumption will exceed one thousand barrels per second. The news marks an important change that will have a far-reaching impact on world economies, investments, and business profitability... czytaj dalej
Książka jest pierwszym profesjonalnym opracowaniem, w którym zarzadzanie jakością żywności zostało przedstawione w ujęciu technologiczno-menedżerskim.... czytaj dalej
Truancy, delinquency and school-exclusion pose major challenges to the drive to promote social inclusion and raise standards for all. Many children who are truants or become excluded from school have inherited... czytaj dalej
This is a book of practical advice and useful tips on how to present numeric information in the clearest and most effective way. This lively, accessible, and illustrated guide is divided into two sections.... czytaj dalej
Multimedia Communications by Fred Halsall addresses the main subject areas associated with multimedia communications (applications, networks, protocols, and standards) at a level that enables the reader to... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate college-level courses in Mathematics for Electronics, Tech Math (Algebra and Trigonometry) for Electronics, Computer, Automation, and Electromechanics.This text provides an introduction to... czytaj dalej
This two-volume handbook offers a comprehensive and coordinated presentation of SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices), including device fundamentals, design, technology, system construction... czytaj dalej
The field of biomedical research on alcoholism has developed at an astonishing speed in recent years. Today, new medications and treatment strategies are available and new leads are currently tested in multi-center... czytaj dalej