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This book grew out of a workshop on statistics in the sciences held on Monte Verita, Switzerland, in the spring of 1999. It offers a snapshot of the role played by statistics in genetics and in the environmental... czytaj dalej
Systems biology is an emerging discipline that studies the underlying network structure and the dynamics of metabolism, cells or whole organisms. It aims to investigate all interacting components simultaneously... czytaj dalej
Wenn Tiere die chemische Keule schwingen, ist Vorsicht geboten. Züngelnde Schlangen, krabbelnde Spinnen und wuselnde Skorpione - aber auch schillernd bunte Fische, leckere Muscheln und das scheinbar harmlose... czytaj dalej
More than 20 years ago, research on omega-3 fatty acids started from the hypothesis that fatty acids may prevent cardiovascular disease. Today, the focus has shifted and the most recent areas of research deal... czytaj dalej
The theory of solitons involves a broad variety of mathematical methods and appears in many areas of physics, technology, biology, and pure and applied mathematics. In this text, emphasis is placed on both... czytaj dalej
This book aims to propagate the newest achievements of applied crystallography among crystallographers, solid state physicists and materials scientists. It presents application of structural studies to materials... czytaj dalej
Constitutive modeling is the mathematical description of how materials respond to various loadings. This is the most intensely researched field within solid mechanics because of its complexity and the importance... czytaj dalej
The third edition of Introduction to Applied Statistical Signal Analysis begins with a discussion of techniques for modeling and represents discrete data measurements, interpolation, and a definition of time... czytaj dalej
Written primarily for readers who have completed the standard first courses in calculus and linear algebra, Elementary Differential Geometry, Second Edition provides an introduction to the geometry of curves... czytaj dalej
"Particles at Interfaces" presents recent developments in this growing field and is devoted entirely to the subject of particle transport, deposition and structuring on boundary surfaces. The complex... czytaj dalej