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The immediate human toll of this 1994 disaster was staggering: all 132 people aboard Flight 427 died on a Pennsylvania hillside. In this volume, Adair explains takes readers behind the scenes to show who makes... czytaj dalej
Jest to ilustrowana rysunkami książka poświęcona zagadnieniom komputerowego modelowania dynamicznych zjawisk fizycznych z zakresu mechaniki ciał stałych, cieczy i gazów, teorii detonacji, spalania, magnetohydrodynamiki... czytaj dalej
During the Graeco-Roman period, Berenike served as a gateway to the outside world together with Myos Hormos. Commodities were imported from Africa south of the Sahara, Arabia, and India into the Greek and Roman... czytaj dalej
The essential reference work in any science and technology library collection.No other single resource provides such in-depth coverage of major scientific and technological developments. This time-honoured... czytaj dalej
What Every Student Should Know About Practicing Peer Review teaches students how to effectively and constructively evaluate each others work -- a common requirement in first-year writing courses. Students are... czytaj dalej
"Sirius - A Diamond in the Night" will tell two stories. The first and most obvious is why the star known as Sirius has been regarded as an important fixture of the night sky by many civilizations... czytaj dalej
The Great Pyramid's eerily precise architecture has for centuries both astounded and puzzled archaeologists and has given rise to numerous modern fantasies concerning the so-called 'Mystery of the Pyramids'... czytaj dalej
Besides scheduling problems for single and parallel machines and shop scheduling problems the book covers advanced models involving due-dates, sequence dependent changeover times and batching. Also multiprocessor... czytaj dalej
A complete self-contained course for individual study or classroom use, with no previous knowledge of the subject required. Mastering Electrical Engineering is suitable for all GCSE, A-level, GNVQ and BTEC... czytaj dalej
This book is the second edition of of a comprehensive guide to the questions and challenges involved in raising and educating a deaf child. The first edition was carefully objective, avoiding the pitfalls of... czytaj dalej