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Current Issues & Trends In Education
Aldridge Wydawnictwo: inne

Current Issues and Trends in Educationsynthesizes political, theoretical, social, and practical topics in a 21st Century context and promotes multicultural education, technology, and gender issues. This text... czytaj dalej

Primes & Knots
T. Kohno Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume deals systematically with connections between algebraic number theory and low-dimensional topology. Of particular note are various inspiring interactions between number theory and low-dimensional... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Analytical Instruments
Khandpur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This resource covers the working principles and latest advances in analytical instruments. You'll learn how to select and apply the correct instrument for analytical work and perform research yielding the most... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Drives
Antoni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Developed from everyday working practice, this dictionary offers a comprehensive collection of terms from the fields of drives and automation and related fields, completed by entries from business administration... czytaj dalej

B. McGowran Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Using fossils to tell geological time, biostratigraphy balances biology with geology. In modern geochronology - meaning timescale-building and making correlations between oceans, continents and hemispheres... czytaj dalej

Parents Matter
L. Abbott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book explores the important role of parents and the extended family in the lives of babies and young children. It complements and extends the DfES Birth to Three Matters framework, which supports practitioners... czytaj dalej

Pielęgnowanie i leczenie roślin pokojowych
Engelbert Kotter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Przejrzyście i zrozumiale dla każdego doświadczony lekarz roślin wyjaśnia, co robić, aby nasze ulubione rośliny wróciły do zdrowia.... czytaj dalej

Tool & Object A History & Philosophy of Category Theory
R. Kromer Wydawnictwo: inne

Category theory is a general mathematical theory of structures and of structures of structures. It occupied a central position in contemporary mathematics as well as computer science. This book describes the... czytaj dalej

First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
J. Rosenthal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This textbook is an introduction to probability theory using measure theory. It is designed for graduate students in a variety of fields (mathematics, statistics, economics, management, finance, computer science... czytaj dalej

Instights Into Petroleum Geochemistry
B. Colletta Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title is designed for all scientists in both academia and industry who want to understand the methods and techniques for using geochemistry in the world of petroleum. ... czytaj dalej