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Molecular Forensics offers comprehensive coverage of the increasingly important role molecular analysis plays within forensic science. Starting with a broad introduction to modern forensic molecular technologies... czytaj dalej
Molecular Forensics offers comprehensive coverage of the increasingly important role molecular analysis plays within forensic science. Starting with a broad introduction to modern forensic molecular technologies... czytaj dalej
This proceedings consists of papers presented at the Shotcrete for Underground Support VII Conference held in Telfs, Austria, June 11-15, 1995. It covers three broad themes concerning shotcrete - engineering... czytaj dalej
L. English, Introduction: Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning in Early Childhood. P.A. Alexander, M. Buehl, Seeing the Possibilities: Constructing and Validating Measures of Mathematical and Analogical Reasoning... czytaj dalej
Includes straightforward explanations and full mathematical detailServes as a stand-alone guide for CQE exam preparationProvides new and expanded sections on management systems, leadership and facilitation... czytaj dalej
Ice cream as we recognize it today has been in existence for at least 300 years, though its origins probably go much further back in time. Though no one knows who invented ice cream, the first improvement in... czytaj dalej
Niezbędna książka dla każdego ogrodnika, wiedza dotycząca uprawy roślin ozdobnych skompletowana w jednym tomie, wskazówki jak stosować i pielęgnować rośliny, optymalny wybór roślin na każde stanowisko.... czytaj dalej
This book presents tuning rules for PI and PID controllers for processes with time delay. It comprehensively compiles, using a unified notation, the tuning rules proposed over six decades (1942 2002); categorises... czytaj dalej
This accessible and wide-ranging book is an invaluable introductory guide through the choices to be made when deciding how to report research. Writing and Presenting Research covers research written as theses... czytaj dalej
This book contains selected peer-reviewed papers of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) symposium "Mycotoxins and phycotoxins". These symposia are the principal international... czytaj dalej