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This first-of-its-kind book, from expert authors actively contributing to the evolution of Bluetooth specifications, provides an overview and detailed descriptions of all the security functions and features... czytaj dalej
For most tracking applications the Kalman filter is reliable and efficient, but it is limited to a relatively restricted class of linear Gaussian problems. To solve problems beyond this restricted class, particle... czytaj dalej
It is increasingly common for children with autism to attend mainstream schools. In this book, the authors use their expertise and considerable experience of working with and observing pupils with autism to... czytaj dalej
This Third Edition of "Medical Cell Biology" focuses on the scientific aspects of cell biology important to medical students, dental students, veterinary students, and prehealth undergraduates. Maintaining... czytaj dalej
Książka jest pierwszą w Polsce i jedną z nielicznych w piśmiennictwie światowym monografią na temat oceny ilościowej struktur biologicznych i wykorzystania metod cyfrowej analizy obrazu i fotografii cyfrowej... czytaj dalej
This book presents basic elements of the theory of Hilbert spaces and operators on Hilbert spaces, culminating in a proof of the spectral theorem for compact, self-adjoint operators on separable Hilbert spaces... czytaj dalej
Manufacturing systems and processes are becoming more complex, so more rational decision-making in process control is a necessity. Better information gathering and analysis techniques are needed and condition... czytaj dalej
The book offers practical and theoretical insights in regional externalities. Regional externalities are a specific subset of externalities that can be defined as externalities where space plays a dominant... czytaj dalej
The book covers both the analysis of the major producer of civil aircraft (EADS/Airbus) located in the region and its relation with the cluster of enterprises within those regions. We studied the organization... czytaj dalej
Internet Research Skills is a clear and concise guide to the effective use of the Internet for students in the social sciences. The open web is becoming central to student research practice, not least because... czytaj dalej