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Contamination control has received great interest and found increasing use within several industrial branches including microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages using various concepts of contamination... czytaj dalej
Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Volume VI)Since ancient days, human beings have been suffering from various diseases. To our rescue, nature has provided a rich storehouse of herbal products... czytaj dalej
The goal of this book is to improve reference service in libraries and information centers, by improving the accuracy of answering capabilities. The authors provide a detailed analysis of the question-answering... czytaj dalej
For courses in Electrical Engineering Laboratory.Designed to be used alone or in conjunction with a laboratory course, this text gives students a practical understanding of electrical laboratory practices and... czytaj dalej
For freshman/sophomore-level courses in Linear Algebra. This book provides an applied introduction to the basic ideas, computational techniques, and applications of linear algebra. The most applied of our basic... czytaj dalej
The fifth edition of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, builds upon the solid foundation of the previous editions, which have proven to be a mainstay for chemists, biochemists, and engineers... czytaj dalej
This revision of the now classic Esau's Plant Anatomy offers a completely updated review of the structure, function, and development of meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body. The text follows a logical... czytaj dalej
* Presents theoretical models for interpreting and predicting solubilities in solutions. * Evaluates the collection techniques used to obtain solubility data and presents the most appropriate methods. * Reviewed... czytaj dalej
Developed by Kent County Council to encourage their primary schools to promote healthy eating, this resource takes a whole-school, holistic approach towards children's eating and relates to the PSHE Curriculum... czytaj dalej
Complex dynamic systems are usually controlled by operators who's skill is sub-cognitive. Therefore, to reconstruct human control skill involves machine learning from operator's execution traces, to induce... czytaj dalej