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The most comprehensive and up-to-date reference work covering the scientific fundamentals and practical considerations for designing, developing and implementing measuring systems in a broad range of engineering... czytaj dalej
This series provides a useful, applications-oriented forum for the next generation of macromolecules and materials. Applications include: non-linear optical materials, specialty magnetic materials, liquid crystals... czytaj dalej
This popular resource distinguishes itself from other texts by placing literacy assessment within the context of mainstream classroom reading instruction. Using developmental reading stages as a framework (e... czytaj dalej
Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories retains all the popular features of the landmark first edition-including its integrated central case study approach, and focus on the scientific process... czytaj dalej
The Ricci flow is a powerful technique that integrates geometry, topology, and analysis. Intuitively, the idea is to set up a PDE that evolves a metric according to its Ricci curvature. The resulting equation... czytaj dalej
"Brief Counselling in Schools, Second Edition" is a practical guide to providing help and support to young people experiencing a range of difficulties in their home and school lives. Recognizing the... czytaj dalej
These 50 papers form the fifth in the series of thematic Deia (Majorca) International conferences of Prehistory, dedicated to bringing Balearic Prehistoric investigation and research out of insular and regional... czytaj dalej
For one-semester courses in Introductory Remote Sensing as well as Introductory Airphoto Interpretation. This widely adopted book introduces the fundamentals of remote sensing from an earth resource (versus... czytaj dalej
Wybór rozpraw historycznoliterackich wiedeńskiego slawisty prof. Bonifacego Miązka. Książka przybliża oryginalne poglądy na literaturę emigracyjną tego znanego poety polskiego żyjącego od połowy lat 60. na... czytaj dalej
Zgodnie z dwuletnim cyklem ukazywania się ?Śląskiej Republiki Uczonych" przedkładamy niniejszym jej drugi tom. Zapoczątkowana w roku 2004 seria wydawnicza stanowi forum, które ma zintensyfikować międzynarodowe... czytaj dalej