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Książka przeznaczona jest dla studentów kierunku informatyka (semestralny wykład "Algebra liniowa z geometrią analityczną"). Podręcznik zawiera określenia, własności, przykłady i zadania dotyczące:-... czytaj dalej
Pozycja napisana z myślą o przeprowadzeniu nawet najbardziej początkującego ogrodnika przez kolejne fazy powstawania przydomowej "oazy piękna i harmonii". Zawiera cenne rady na temat sposobu zaplanowania... czytaj dalej
This text is intended primarily for a first course in mathematical probability for students in mathematics, statistics, operations research, engineering, and computer science. It is also appropriate for mathematically... czytaj dalej
The book prioritises an understanding of the physical and chemical aspects of the phenomena, and lays particular emphasis on experimental analysis and modern numerical simulations. ... czytaj dalej
Extensively revised and updated, the new edition of the highly regarded Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes is an essential reference for biochemists, biotechnologists and molecular biologists. Edited by world-renowned... czytaj dalej
This book presents a novel approach in the field of global change by presenting a comprehensive analysis of interhemispheric linkages of climate, present and past, and their effects on human societies.The ultimate... czytaj dalej
Education Management covers all major topics within the field of educational management, with newly commissioned material from major authors. It is essential reading for students of educational leadership and... czytaj dalej
Time division multiplexing (TDM) has been the fundamental basis for adding capacity to digital telecommunications networks for decades. However, within the past two years, wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)... czytaj dalej
Focusing on established and emerging chemical procedures, Chemical Degradation Methods for Wastes and Pollutants discusses the management of pollutants in industrial wastewater and the environment. The reference... czytaj dalej
Spanning ten millennia from earliest civilisation to the Arab conquest this book is the definitive one-volume reference to the ancient lands of the Bible, fusing scientific discovery and literary and religious... czytaj dalej