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Inorganic Chemistry in Aqueous Solution reviews the chemistry of the elements in all their oxidation states in an aqueous environment. The nature of ions in solution is described in some detail and enthalpies... czytaj dalej
Food Colloids: Interactions, Microstructure and Processing describes the principles and practice underlying the formulation of food emulsions, dispersions, gels, and foams. Emphasis is on understanding how... czytaj dalej
This is the story of the sequencing of the fly genome as told by one of the participants, Michael Ashburner. Written in a diary-like form, half the story is told in numerous footnotes. Ashburner has written... czytaj dalej
Designed for classroom teachers in inclusive settings, this book presents strategies for working with students with Asperger Syndrome. AS is a disorder in the autism spectrum, and students with AS suffer... czytaj dalej
Newtonżs Telecom Dictionary helps technology and business professionals stay on top of the ever-changing network, telecom, and IT industry. Businesses are adopting new telecom and communications services and... czytaj dalej
Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications in Nanobiotechnology brings together under a single cover all aspects of the nanostructured biomaterials including all types of nanoscale biomaterials... czytaj dalej
Książka jest poświęcona maszynom przepływowym, strumieniowym i łopatkowym oraz systemom energetycznym, które one tworzą lub w których pracują. Składa się z dwóch zasadniczych części. Pierwsza z nich obejmuje... czytaj dalej
Poznaj gatunki drzew rosnące w polskich lasach, parkach i ogrodach. Naucz się je rozpoznawać i zapamiętaj ich nazwy. Przeczytaj, czym różnią się od innych roślin. Dowiedz się, które drzewa mają pięknie pachnące... czytaj dalej
From the unique delivery of biology content, to the time tested art program, to the complete integration of the text with technology, Dr. Sylvia Mader has formed a teaching system that will both motivate and... czytaj dalej
Conceptual Chemistry, Third Edition features more applied material and an expanded quantitative approach to help non-science majors understand how chemistry is related to their everyday lives. ... czytaj dalej